"Neymar’s touching fan gesture wins South African hearts"

Nice gesture -


Ahhh that's nice...still I can't help but run that through my cynical opportunistic PR filter so I say taser the squirt while he's still good and young cos in ten years time he's gonna be throwing rocks and firing his AK.

But seriously, it's nice to see a bit of common sense (you'd often see stewards losing the plot) and the footballers showing a bit of heart.

In the US, this guy in the video below is being prosecuted for invading the pitch (and be threatened with deportation), and apparently Ronaldo wrote a letter to the relevant authorities begging them to let it go -

Tbf to the Brazilian football team their reaction to the child seemed utterly genuine, the majority if not all are deeply Catholic so kids are sacred and generally treated as such.

Here's a nice story involving my fella...
