Newly converted

Just want to say hi and thanks to everyone on this forum. I have really tough stubble and i have suffered endless problems with ingrown hairs and bad folliculitis for the past 10 years. Worked my way through all the multiblade options, eventually changing cartridges every 2-3days and hating every shave. Never dawned on me to try de shaving till i stumbled on this forum. Been lurking on here for awhile but took the plunge a couple of weeks ago with a jagger de89le, some Derbys and a luscious pot of Taylor's cream.

At first things were bad and bloody as the blade cut through the many spots and bumps on my neck. But after just a week, I am achieving smooth shaves and my skin is looking better than it has done for years. I can hardly believe it but i am actually enjoying a shave !

I look forward now to trying some different blades and finding a nice aftershave.
Hi, Welcome to the forum, glad its working for you.

I gave up shaving many years ago as it was too much hassle so I lived with a short beard for many years. Work changed and I had to be clean shaven. I could only get a mach x blade to last 3 shaves at most, and then discovered DE shaving.
I have only been shaving about 4 weeks, but already have achieved brilliant shaves and my face is much better for it too.

I am using a Merkur Futur with either a Gillette yellow, or Feather blade. Nannys Ice and a Slice soap normally as well.

Add yourself to the blade PIF and then you will get a selection to try.
Yes a lot of people find that skin problems are exacerbated and even caused by the excessive pressure and mashing caused by 5 blade carts. It's amazing what a single sharp blade can do.
I never really had bad skin exactly, just a couple of bumps now and then but they all disappeared after a few months DE shaving.

Welcome to TSR, hope you enjoy.
Hello! Good to see you on the board.
I'm on a similar mission wrt aftershave - have a look at the posts about getting hold of samples in the aftershaves section. Suppliers can be surprisingly generous and make it easy to find a product you'll like.
Thanks all. I will have a look for aftershave samples. Got myself some Nivea replenishing stuff half price in boots today. Will tide me over till I find something more 'refined'.
SpeedyBabylon5 said:
Welcome to TSR and the world of 'healthy enthusiasm' that goes with our hobby!!

Hi there,

Fixed that up for you...hope you don't mind. Yeah, the new members get a little skittish sometimes. "These things have to be done delicately" (said in my best Margaret Hamiliton voice).
