Newbie with ripped face

Palmolive cream or stick will do you. If you get the stick don't bother grating it, just wet the end and rub it on your face like a crayon, your stubble will grab some of the soap. Then wet your brush and lather directly on your face. Have a look at Mantic59 on YouTube, he has good tutorials.
Welcome to TSR, all good advice above. Keep at it and don't be discouraged by occasional setbacks as you refine your technique. It will come and before you know it you'll be into full blown addiction with the rest of us.

Well I have been to the supermarket and picked up some bulldog face wash £3 and some nivia sensitive post shave balm £3 from Asda, to most on here I'm sure that's normal but that's the most I have ever spent on a product for myself until now i have been a cheap shampoo from top to bottom washer and clippers on the beard to stubble when I remembered, haircuts when it got in my eyes and never done anything with it but now it's time to become a gent and look, smell and look like one too
Some great advice from the people above and I would like to add my bit. Of all the points mentioned as a newbie(if somewhat old one) the biggest mistake I had was pressure. Don't press just let the weight of the razor head do the work and keep concentrating on that as you shave and don't rush. It's never going to be perfect when you first start. I renamed the bathroom the abatoire after my first shave. 8 nicks and lots of blood lol, but my technique is improving. Once I got the not pressing sorted I then concentrated on "Mapping" my face and finding the difficult areas. Easy to do just feel your face after the first pass and after a few shaves you will start to know the areas that are hard to get to and where you need to gently pull your skin to avoid nick (by my adams apple and the lines around my mouth). Just remember it's not a race and you will get there in the end.
Well I have been to the supermarket and picked up some bulldog face wash £3 and some nivia sensitive post shave balm £3 from Asda, to most on here I'm sure that's normal but that's the most I have ever spent on a product for myself

You'll soon realise how deep this rabbit hole goes, spending £6 on shaving stuff is far from normal around here!
My problem Steve is one fad to another if I'm honest I learn all about it spend a fortune then leave it alone lol
Welcome, young fellow.
More good advice here than I would have thought to have written...
err - Be wary of crazed acquisition early on (here writes the hypocrite).

Oh - wait - if you do start acquiring multiple razors, blades, soaps, brushes... (and you can do this without spending huge amounts that you don't have) , give yourself at least a few weeks before you start experimenting with different x's. Keep it simple for there's a bunch of techniques to attain, at least past the virgin stage and you'll not know whether things are improving because of what you're doing or what you're changing by way of hardware / software.

It's occurs to me that you might need to change your alias in a few months.

It also occurs to me that this fad might become a routine.

Tom (also curious about which razor you're awaiting)
My problem Steve is one fad to another if I'm honest I learn all about it spend a fortune then leave it alone lol

Same here but I am hoping that as I have to shave I won't lose interest in this. Problem with other hobbies like airgunning is having to go to somewhere to shoot, same with fishing etc. With shaving you practice at home
Same here but I am hoping that as I have to shave I won't lose interest in this. Problem with other hobbies like airgunning is having to go to somewhere to shoot, same with fishing etc. With shaving you practice at home
That's a very good point and it doesn't really smell or make noise so can do it while kids sleep, I've got a Vintage Aluminium Gilette Tech coming from a friend with some blades that's all I know I've got a WS cheap brush and a WS Blue tub of Death lol will pick up some Palmolive before I have a shave and will see how I get on,
Tonight I used the face wash followed by the ASB and can say my face felt nice and clean it's the first time in 28 years I've used a face wash
Same here but I am hoping that as I have to shave I won't lose interest in this. Problem with other hobbies like airgunning is having to go to somewhere to shoot, same with fishing etc. With shaving you practice at home

I found that I enjoyed shaving once I'd made the switch to a DE and proper soap, so I've just carried on with it. If I face lather and use a shaving stick I can shave pretty much as quickly as I used to with canned goop and a cartridge so there really is no incentive for me to go back.

I shoot too, land I have, it's weather and time that have worked against me for the last year. I did get out and frighten some clays last weekend though.