Newbie from West Midlands

West Midlands
Hi there I'm Lizzie from the West Midlands, I came on here to ask about shaving brushes for my husband and its so friendly I might stick around as I find the whole topic fascinating. I also work in a brewery so I'm finding the beer threads interesting reading.

Are there many other women on here?
Hi Lizzie,
I think we have very few ladies, we have the famous Sharon who does her own soaps, and one or two less frequent posters, sometimes we get a lady in who wants a vintage ladies razor but they tend to find what they need and move on.
My wife likes all the kit I have and likes the idea of it all but wouldn't be seen on this forum, despite it's friendliness! Anyway welcome and have fun.
lizziebach said:
Hi there I'm Lizzie from the West Midlands,

Are there many other women on here?

Hi Lizzie,

Well, read some of the posts about what some of these guys use for their shaves. All kinds of different scented shaving creams, a nice poofty brush to apply the lather with, and God knows how many aftershaves to finish up with. Not to mention the EdT's and such applied last.

Heck, it might as well be a forum made up mostly of old women. Not to mention I believe at least 80% of the members are gay (except for the US members of course).

Hope you enjoy it here,

dodgy said:
Heck, it might as well be a forum made up mostly of old women.

Ha I can believe that, I work with all men and some of them are more girly than me! They talk about crying during emotional films and I got excited because the latest Fast and Furious had a tank chase in it!
Hello Lizzie. Just as a counterpoint to the brash American, I'm also from the west midlands although when I was born, there was no such place.

I assume you found the right brush for your husband - but you realise you're hooked now so he will start to wonder why you are spending so much time on a shaving forum.

Whatever you say will not sound like the truth to him.

Regards, Rob

Well technically I'm practically South Staffs too I'm right on the border, and as the Staffordshire Hoard was found only a short distance away from where I live its probably a better description.

I did find the right brush for him, but I think I am hooked and I'm now starting to think that all these things are far too nice for you men and maybe I should be looking at them for me!
You haven't even touched the surface yet - there are full blooded men on this site who can tell you what a perfume is made up of, what it goes best with, in different weather conditions and what time of year it should be worn. And by the way, they will be able to tell you when it was last made, or altered or otherwise changed for better or worse.

Stand by for a deluge of information.

I'm trying to work out if that is scary or impressive, its a fine line. Still beats listening to people talk about beer all day I suppose

Those crazy bastards should be banned from TSR (no offense meant of course to the crazy bastards). It's a sickness I tells ya!