

New to straight shaving, just bought a Bengal and a c12k hone, so hopefully I can keep it up.

Before then, I had been a 'Wilkinson Sword Classic' DE shaver for about 25 years.

Looking forward to sharing tips

Cheers gents, thanks for the welcome

@Yellow Jim - Guess so However my g/f is in 'East Kirkby', so I'm more familiar
with town' than most my side.

She just thinks I'm weird (regarding shaving with straights... well everything really!)

Have you found anywhere selling decent shaving soaps/gear in Liverpool?

@Fido Thanks, I tend to need them these days
Unfortunately not. I've been keeping my eyes out, but apart from the likes of Palmolive and Erasmic in the supermarkets and the occassional tube of TOBS in TKMaxx I've not come across much. If I do find anywhere I'll be sure to let you know though.