New Superdrug aftershave - sierran breeze

Hi all,

I went into town today for the first time in the long time and popped into Superdrug to get a drink.

While I was there I had a quick browse at the shaving stuff and noticed a new AS!

If you like modern aquatic scents (very much along the same lines as Old Spice whitewater), at £2.50 this is worth a go.

I think it smells lovely!

If your about, pop by and give it a sniff. I'm dead chuffed with a £2.50 bargain

I have that aftershave. My first aftershave not counting witch hazel. Also paid £2.50 for it a while back. I think they had another one called forest fresh (fresh forest?) or something like that.

The smell is nice but doesn't seem to last long at all .. well not on me anyway.

I'm working through my bottle so I can move onto something else.

Worth giving it a go as the scent is nice and only costs 2.50
What seems to be happening,and I too am guilty of it, is that the majority of men prefer the fragrances of their AS to that of a cologne. It might be because of the cost or that AS just has a cleaner more masculine fragrance. Either way, manufacturers may want to take this into consideration when they do product development.
Helveticum said:
Still can't get why would people want aftershave's scent to last? Or even contemplate one on such basis? It's kinda not the purpose..

I agree - as far as I'm concerned, an AS should smell nice when you apply it, last for perhaps 15-20 minutes, then fade. Its main purpose, IMO, is to make your face feel nice after your shave, and, perhaps, to cool any irritation you might have. As far as not being able to find a cologne that you like; I've only got into them in the last few weeks, but it seems to me that there's a huge variety of different types of scent out there.
My dad has been splashing aftershave as well EDTs directly onto his face for years. Main ingredient for both seems to be alcohol. His skin is v good.

I guess there is no harm in splashing/spraying EDT directly onto the face...?

Both give a pleasant sting with the EDT having the advantage of lasting longer
Until the other night I never realised what a complicated thing AS/EDT/EDC/EDP is
Cheers Helveticum!
For anyone thats interested I shamelessly stole the following from

Aftershave is usually found in splash on form rather than spray, which makes it easier to apply to the face. It is a fragrance containing a small percentage of alcohol which closes the pores and stimulates the skin so is perfect for the face. It lasts approximately 3 hours.

Eau de Parfum (EDP):
EDP is stronger than eau de toilette (EDT) and usually lasts between 3 and 5 hours in the skin. Great if you don't want to reapply throughout the day.

Eau de Toilette (EDT):
EDT is the most wearable of all fragrance types and also the least expensive. It is usually in spray form and last between 2 to 4 hours on the skin. Ideal for everyday use. It is not recommended for men to use EDT on their faces as it can be harsh on facial skin

Pure Perfume:
Pure perfume is usually found in dab on form as you only need to apply a small amount. Depending on your skin type pure perfume can last for up to 6 hours as it has the highest concentration of perfume oil in it. Pure perfumes are only made in certain brands.
I'd argue with those timings - most aftershaves won't last for as long as three hours, and it's a poor EdT that disappears as soon as 4 hours. Bear in mind I've not used many of either type, but I'd say 1 hour, perhaps up to 2 for the longest-lasting aftershaves (many don't noticeably linger for more than about 1/2 an hour), and between 4 and 8 hours for an EdT. Never used an Eau de Parfum, so I've got no idea how long they last.

This thread is, IMO, a better reference.
According to my wife - there is another classification for men - Eau de Cologne which sits above EdT in terms of strength. Eau de Parfum appears to be limited to women's fragrances in my experience.

I've used 4711 EdC as an aftershave and it does not sting any more than other aftershaves so I guess the real differences are within the brands as opposed to the categories.

I understand that an Eau de Cologne is weaker than an EdT, with the rare gentlemen's Eau de Parfum the strongest.
chrisbell said:
I understand that an Eau de Cologne is weaker than an EdT, with the rare gentlemen's Eau de Parfum the strongest.

Quite right Chris (my wife admitted a mistake would you believe).

Here are the definitions with perfume content :
Eau de Perfume (or Eau de Parfum)

As its name suggests, Eau de Perfume is a diluted version of Perfume, usually containing between 8% and 15% perfume oil. Since it has less perfume oil, it's also less expensive, but still provides a fragrant scent for up to 5 hours. This makes it a good alternative if you want the longer lasting effect of a Perfume without the hefty price tag.

Eau de Toilette (EDT)

Eau de Toilette is a lighter version of Eau de Perfume that is considered a ‘middle of the road' fragrance as it is less expensive and only lasts up to 4 hours. Containing between 4% and 10% perfume oil, Eau de Toilette is popular among men, who prefer to have a fragrance that doesn't overwhelm the senses or last all day long.

Eau de Cologne (Cologne)

Eau de Cologne is often confused with Eau de Toilette as they both provide a light smelling fragrance. However, Eau de Cologne has less perfume oil, usually containing between 2% and 5%. This makes it more affordable and shorter lasting than Eau de Toilette, so it's commonly used by men who want a splash of fragrance to start their day or night.
Aftershave (A/S)

Aftershave is often believed to be stronger than Eau de Toilette or Eau de Cologne. This is probably because they have the word ‘eau' (French for ‘water') in their name, which could be taken to imply that they are watered down. However, Aftershave contains only 1% to 3% perfume oil. It isn't meant to last too long because its main purpose is cooling and soothing the skin after shaving, which is where its name comes from.