New SE razor - Rocnel

@Ferrum , I would personally suggest snapping DE blades in half. Much easier process.
I totally agree, and, as someone who "doctors" DE blades to fit Wardonias, Gibbs and other non-standard razors, as well as SE blades, that's what I will do. As has been said, it's not complicated or especially dangerous.
However, there was another SE proposed some time ago (I forget what the name was), which required halved blades. There was considerable alarm on the part of some at the need to snap blades, largely because of the perceived dangers in doing so, which are more imaginary than actual.
Nonetheless, some people will not wish to handle blades in this way, and the ready-halved barber blades, although limited in choice, do offer an alternative to people who otherwise will want to use and enjoy the razor, but might be put off.