New Rocnel model revealed - the MD SE-P-2016-TR Open Comb

Rocnel accepted my payment for the MD SE-P OC on June 14. I never received a tracking number. My requests through were never responded to. I finally opened a claim with PayPal. Today extrashaving gave me refund. What a way to run a business!
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Rocnel or extrashaving?
Had my first shave with the Rocnel SE OC razor this morning and have to say it performed really, really well.
I was essentially clean shaven in one pass and the OC design did seem to help a bit with the lather pass-through and avoiding early clogging.

Now, this head isn't marked "P" for mild like the Rocnel SE SB razors are and it did feel a tad more aggressive/efficient but that might simply be due to the OC design. Anywho it seems to work pretty well.

The snapping a blade in half-thing and a somewhat quirky loading/unloading of the blade does make this razor a bit more awkward to use but if you're used to the first one of their razors it should be business as usual.

I used a Feather blade this morning and I did notice that after having snapped off the end tabs there were no protruding jagged edges sticking out. Not sure if I got lucky, if the Feather blade just snaps cleaner and/or if there was a design change in the OC head (I don't have the original one with me to compare).

A great shave was had
Nice handle
I used this little beastie over the weekend. Ambulance was on standby and I had the stiptic ready...

Just to confirm, this is exactly the same as the SB version. the angles and head design are identical with the exception that the safety bar has grooves machined into it and the polishing is of a slightly better quality. Teh retaining screw is slightly longer too - not that this was a problem in the SB version.
I used the Lemon Cool tester sample provided by @Fox and a hot water shave. Loaded up with a fresh personna med prep and tentatively set to work.
With the safety bar version I managed to slice my septum with the blade ends, having learned my lesson I was a lot more respectful of this OC. The original had clogging problems and needed a lighter lather and frequent rinsing. The OC version does address this quite well. I found the OC version exactly the same aggression level but more efficient. Think of this as the v.2. The blade is held stiffly but not overly securely, the act of shaving pushes the blade into the holding slot so it won't come out, however there is some movement if blade buffing, which is a concern.
End result after 3 passes, WTG, XTG and ATG, all very smooth and without incident. A sheep in wolfs clothing. If you mind the blade ends, it's as placid as a weishi. BBS all over with only very minor touch ups.
I bought the original SB version as an impulse buy and its rested since shaving a few times as I found it just a novelty. The OC version however is very good and will be used.
My only question would be, the head is as wide as a DE, so the advantage of using half a DE is instantly removed. Maybe something to address in a v.3
Similar to above I bought the original safety bar version and used it a few times and sold it on. It seemed unwieldy and a bit industrial. Picked up an open comb on the BST as it was a novelty then. Looks and weighs similar. Although for some reason I like it more. Snapped a blade in half, took off the ends and away I went not expecting too much.
Wow what a pleasant surprise. Very smooth close shave. The teeth look aggressive but it's not at all. It even felt fine holding it for three passes. It's become my go to razor now. Only thing is because of the weight if you slip you can end up doing a bit of damage.
Still I love it and for £26 it's a great bargain. Been using Dorcos in it so will see what it's like with an Astra or a GSB

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