New Muhle R41

West Yorkshire
First of all my thanks to Antdad for suggesting a milder blade than the Feather...I didn't think It would work...It seemed most illogical to me, that a less sharp blade could give a smoother shave than the very sharpest....But I must admit I was wrong.

Right........So I braved the vicious beast thats the Muhle R41 again this morning...My third shave with it.........The first two shaves were disasters of the very coarse sandpaper variety....between which I needed three or four days for the glow to subside......This time I tried an Astra blade..a blade which doesn't work for me in my Merkur 38c or in the Futur......and I'd consigned to the spares box....

Anyway........I lathered up with my freshly grated Palmolive after my morning shower....and this time paid very particular attention to the blade angle........(which I would think is probably something similar to the angle used with a straight razor)..and I was very careful to use whisper light strokes...also going just one pass not several................By whisper light... I mean just that..concentrating on as light a stroke as its possible to do and still be touching your face......

After the WTG ..........MAGICALLY SMOOTH.... almost no stubble left...Now that never happens with my hard wire whiskers...................Ever..........not even with a Feather blade in the 38c Barber pole......
No burn ...No fact I first thought I might have just shaved the soap off so smooth and quiet was that pass..

Next XTG....Getting excited.......but still paying attention, especially under my nose...I could hear the snicking of the whiskers being cut this time.....but still using whisper light strokes.

Final cut ATG.....still keeping my concentration there is a tendency to press on a bit ...and thats fatal with this razor...(well not fatal but you get my drift)....(Think whisper light touch)..........Again I could hear the odd patches of whiskers that were missed I rinsed off again and..........OH DEEP JOY....The finest ,smoothest, closest shave I have ever had....Baby's Bottom smooth and no trauma what so ever....well maybe a very light burn when I didn't get the angle just right on my chin and top lip...but cold water took that off straight away......

This was the excitement and joy of enlightenment feeling ...Such delight at the fact that I'd magically got THE perfect shave......That I'd got the hang of this razor... I Won't say mastered ..because its not a razor you master.........its about learning and respect for what it can do....get it wrong and Oh boy will you feel as though you've been rough sandpapered.......

But I can see me using the R41 exclusively now...I might even get another in case they ever go out of production.....and the added bonus ..I can use cheaper blades....I'll have to try all the blades I'd rejected now....maybe even Derby's will work in this.....

I would say to any of you trying this razor and having problems with it....treat it with Great Respect...treat it as though it were the sharpest cut throat and you were putting it to your face for the first time...(I don't say this to terrify you)....but to make you think ANGLE of BLADE and LIGHTNESS of PRESSURE.... After wouldn't press on with a cut throat blade would you?.....And this seems to be this razors secret......

Maybe I should try a straight a birthday coming up.....MMMMMM

Given your description of your beard, and your preference for very sharp DE blades, I wouldn't get too excited about straight razors.

Try one, certainly, but bear in mind that most straights are not as keen as a sharp DE blade.

I've been toying with the idea of getting one of these new R41's to see what all the fuss is about, but, perhaps fortunately, they seem to be like rocking horse droppings at the moment (nobody has them in stock)

Glad you found the right blade for the razor.

I certainly learned the hard way with the R41....but at least I'm still not too old to learn....YET...

It was certainly worth the effort though.....never had a shave like it....EVER...very silky smooth when you get it right.

Maybe I'll forget the straights....Wifey doesn't like the idea of them even being in the house anyway....its just one of these things we have to try sometimes..........we'll see if AD get the better of me.........
I always imagined straights to be the sharpest of all shaving paraphernalia (having never tried one - a 45 minute shave with a shavette and snapped in half DE blade doesn't count).
You learn something new every day!

The Merkur 38C (R in my case as mine is a lovely red) is as aggressive as I find comfortable, and I think it is considered as quite aggressive. Im guessing the Mule R41 is more aggressive than that, so not one for me then!
A straight razor is a much less inhibited tool in that you can vary the angle of attack and "pressure" to basically suit the edge you have, a safety razor doesn't have the same flexibility so it's a question of trying to match the right blade & razor with your technique.

You'll never see a barber using a Feather blade in a shavette, they are just too unforgiving.
NotTheStig said:
I always imagined straights to be the sharpest of all shaving paraphernalia (having never tried one - a 45 minute shave with a shavette and snapped in half DE blade doesn't count).
You learn something new every day!

The Merkur 38C (R in my case as mine is a lovely red) is as aggressive as I find comfortable, and I think it is considered as quite aggressive. Im guessing the Mule R41 is more aggressive than that, so not one for me then!

The 38c is a pussy cat compared to the R41 if you get the angle and pressure wrong...
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