New member

I found the forum by accident somehow on Google a few days ago and it inspired me to dig out the Merkur 33C and blades I bought about 15 years ago (and gave up on not long after due to the cuts). After reading up on technique and buying some Palmolive cream, I gave it another go. Well I was pleased with the results but probably shouldn't have gone for the third pass against the grain so early. I've learned a lot from the forum in just a few days and am looking forward to returning to traditional shaving and, this time around, I have a source of information to get it right. It's good to be here.
Hi Kev, the blades I had were Wilkinson Sword Classic. I've bought a small sample pack from ebay and am looking forward to trying out some blades I hadn't heard of before finding the forum. The pack has some Derbys, Feathers, Astra and Gillette's. Can't wait..
Nice one !!
Gillettes are my fave blade and I've just bought my dad(82!) some palmolive and a brush. Said hexwas using wrights coal tar smeared on face!
Warm welcome to you.....
Tim slick.
Good stuff the Derbys get some stick off some but others rate them! The feathers are regarded as ninja sharp so might be best to leave them until last when your technique is up to scratch! But you wont go far wrong with the Gillettes & Astras enjoy! :mrgreen:
Welcome to TSR Mark!

I too did my first shave with a third pass against the grain, simply because I didn't like the finishing after two passes. Well the irritation was there, but nowhere near that of the latest Gillette monstrosity I used before.

Whatever you do, stick with your fine razor, it's only going to be better. More than one year in, and my shaves are still improving, even if they have long outperformed my old ways.
