New Maseto brush

I bought a straight razor via Ali Express. No sign of it after 8 weeks. Still in China according to tracking. Got my money back. Four days later of course parcel showed up at my door, dirty and bruised, but still
Hi Wayne

My brush came with a free stand (great) and also a yellow wooden 'thing' about palm sized - do you know what it is?
No mate. I've not had one of those. I've had a keyring that needs a degree in engineering to get open. Sorry I can't help.
Here we are finally, after a few more days of waiting and what feels like an hour of unwrapping:

Freshly liberated from the box. I apologise for the bad lighting. The ivory looks very white here, but it's actually a bit more eggshell/yellow-ish, very similar to the Simpson handles. Handle and hair tips match rather nicely. My first impressions of the still dry brush: The knot looks nice and even, and feels quite dense but with a medium amount of backbone; the handle is very comfortable to hold, seems very sturdy and not cheap or flimsy at all. There's no writing or markings on it anywhere.

Can't wait to give it a go!

Very tidy. I think it looks better without the writing on the ivory ones. Look forward to seeing it bloom.

Sorry to be cheeky but if possible, can get a better photo of the colour (difficult I know)? I'd appreciate it as I'm thinking about an ivory handle next.

Very nice, I was tempted by this one in 30mm but he only had black available.