New level of pretentiousness at BandB?

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Apart from my tongue lashing at couple of over-hyped forums and its vendor, I hope this one does not change for the worst. I've seen that happened to a forum with 300k members. Trust it's not pretty.
I just plain like TSR & the guys here. Seems to me this forum is run with as light a touch as is imaginable, the mods being willing to trust each of us to self regulate pretty much and be kinda sensitive to when we happen to get things wrong and then just desist. In fact, just exactly what I imagine we would say we hope for in a chat forum.

At which point I would normally willingly add my tuppence worth to getting the thread back on track except that I wasn't a member of B & B and have rarely visited it. Erm, will complete and utter ignorance of the subject be any barrier to my contribution ? It may ? Oh well, in that case I shall return to enjoying other subjects.


I don't think there is any room for complaint from you really. HM was very reasonable, both in the thread in question and in the PM to you which is now not so 'P'. To be fair, he was probably more reasonable than i would be if i had been blatently ignored! Add to this that you have clearly wound up Boab, i believe that an apology wouldn't go amiss.

Really bizarre, in my time here, this is the 1st time this type of telling tales after school rubbish has cropped up. This can only be because the Mod / Admin team are generally happy to let everyone get on with it, but Jeltz is right, if one or more of them have complaints, they have to act. This was done, in a gentle way, so i am very suprised that you could take offence!
Forum etiquette aside I don't understand the objection to Ebay links. If you place a bid you have to except that you may win & you may lose the item.

I will not comment an anyone's conduct only that I don't believe posting Ebay links is inherently bad, only if this is done by the seller.

The belief that publishing a link is really going to raise the price when said items are listed one of world's the most popular sites doesn't really hold water.

Hoping that you will get a low price from auction that no one else notices is fair enough but what if the seller is a fellow member, does he not deserve to get the best price; after all a fair price is what someone is willing to pay & no amount of publicity is going to change that.

If most members here really don't want Ebay links I would be surprised, I propose a vote what say you Boab?

On the subject on B&B (not bed & breakfast) I don't think it does anyone, any good to get even slightly irritated by them. I have an indifferent approach to them now & I think not mentioning them would be the greatest insult if you are so inclined to upset them.

I am sure you are aware that me & B&B are not the best of friends so hopefully my view can be seen as an objective one.
I think i would tend to agree with Paul above. Perhaps a line should be drawn under both the ebay and B&B thing and we all get back on with doing what we all joined to do. Discuss all sorts of stuff with some shaving related topics thrown in for good measure - not forgetting the banter this place is becoming legendary for.

Thanks to IanM for reminding me of the need for manners elsewhere.
Paul said:
If most members here really don't want Ebay links I would be surprised

I don't think the fact of relevant (or indeed humorous) eBay links is the issue in dispute here - it's the volume of them from a single poster in a short space of time that raised the hackles of the existing users, at least of those that bothered to PM me - some in the most colourful & descriptive terms :lol:
Your the mod HM but I would be suprised if this is anything more than a rather vocal minority. How many of the 449 members are actually bothered by this. I actually find ebay prices & trends quite interesting.

If members are really bothered by Ebay links then looking at or posting in a thread tittled 'Items on eBay' is a bit strange, don't you think?
How about a ebay forum, sub-section where ebay items can be discussed with links but only in this section.

If anyone here has been touting there own Ebay items they should of course be strung up from the nearest yard-arm, or warned by PM your choice HM.
The fact that in just shy of 50000 posts in over 3700 topics it's happened once suggests (to me at least) that things are mostly acceptable as they are now.

Let me be on record as saying it's not perfect and there are things I would change if I thought they'd make any meaningful difference, and of course things can always be improved... that why there's a feedback forum.
Well i will read a thread even when the title is not something that interests me for the banter and crack. Also cause a not a lot of threds end up on the subject they started with here. :roll:
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