New level of pretentiousness at BandB?

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A little quotation which may cheer some of you up. It's from the 116th (US) Infantry regimental account of the build up to the D-Day landings on Omaha beach.

"Major Dallas' command party made their start under inauspicious circumstances. In lowering their boats from the davits of H.M.S. Empire Javelin, the command boat became stuck for 30 minutes directly under the outlet of the ship's 'heads' and could go neither up nor down. During this half-hour the ship's company made the most of an opportunity that Englishmen have sought since 1776".
To my surprise I received the following PM by one of the mods over B&B this morning:

Just because I posted a favorable review of the 2201 brush as my first post and participated in an existing thread about the brush I am now a shill for Fido?! What the hell? I feel like posting as much 2201 threads over there while I can before they ban me just to spite the little fuckers. Just so they know what actual shilling is like. :evil:
This thread is now one of the most 'replied to' of the active topics and has very little to offer anyone who opens it.

Is it serving any purpose other than a 'group hug' for people who are bitter at being banned from there?
That sort of attitude just smacks of pettiness. The success of Fido's brush despite the best efforts of some of the mods must really rankle them.

There's no point trying to get into a war with them though, it's their site and there would only be one winner. I think we should all just enjoy the atmosphere over here and focus less on what's happening on B&B.

Yes, I couldn't agree more Yellow Jim, it's all getting a bit tiresome and boring now!!

I take instant issue with you Bruce on the "current company not excluded" ! I have been a member of several forums over the years, and it would be damned near impossible to strike a better balance than this forum has when it comes to moderators! The Administrator, and Moderators on here will only step in when there is something really serious going down! Participants on this forum have the freedom of speech that would never, ever, be allowed on any other forum, and we are all mindful of this! There are one or two who abuse this from time to time, but these episodes are rare, and are therefore tolerated, as far as I can see. These moments we all share on TSR are absolutely unique, there is great atmosphere and comradeship between fellow members, and I hope this state of affairs will continue for years to come! You will not have been aware of this Bruce, but this Forum was forged out of revolutionary activity by it's senior members who wanted something very different from the constricting rules and regulations of existing forums! And as I type, everything seems to be working out just fine for all concerned!! We do not have "quirky/anal moderation", we just have friendly, relaxed, laid back, informative - moderation! (Ok, overlaid with a touch of eccentricity maybe, but there isn't any harm in that, makes our dealings with each other more interesting in my view ).

andyjreid said:
We could always request this thread to be locked down?

Yes, I guess that might be a good idea now andy! I have just had a final say in a later post regarding forum activity in general, so now might be a good idea. What do you do, PM Boab or Antdad ?
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