New level of pretentiousness at BandB?

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I'm banned because I challenged a Mod about a item that he posted as was not as he said it was and the photo was a stock item from the bay, and the next time I logged on it came up with You are Banned forever (you are not welcome) so Boll**ks to them all
Never mind Over5' , I'm fast starting to get the impression that managing to get banned on B & B is almost like a stamp of worthiness as being a good guy ! After all, Fido has managed it, you're banned, just seems that most of the guys I have met & liked on TSR are rejects from elsewhere. So, you must be doing summat right M8.


P.S. The Ever Ready you traded me is working out really well for me, in fact I've been using it daily for a few days now and resting the Mergress. Thanks, nice one.

Not be banned yet either but did get a pm of a mod telling me he deleted my post because of the bad language.
all i said was the guys cello was proberly so brown as he was keeping to close to his ass. :lol:

Sorry to say that it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest, hope you got to name and shame the low life before they Connaught’ed you.

I did name and shame that was why I got banned because when I challenged him about the razor he told me "well lets see its not like your going to fly over is it", I'll tell you what he was lucky I could not because the mood I was in he would have had to clench his butt cheeks just to be able to hold a F**king razor
Attero said:
[...] its just a bloody shame that Joel and the mods have this obnoxiously twisted idea of what it means to be a Gentleman.

For them its this stuffy, no humor early 1800's socialite [...] and where you should know your place amongst your betters.

Among my betters in an American forum? Good heavens gentlemen! :shock:

In the immortal words of the great Cecil Rhodes, "to have been born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life." They know it and we know they know it and in short that's why they aspire to be from the old country.

Full advance apologies to the other Brits here but who the hell do these Septics think they are?

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