New Injector Razor

That's gonna be one popular raffle
That's just increased ticket prices!
Are the raffles open to U.S. members?
I cannot see why not - though there would be a premium on postage over and above tickets (which include UK postage).

I see! You're trying to make me think about a new raffle before the February raffle is completed! Nice try! There will be a separate thread for the Bunny V3 raffle - but not until the February Raffle is done!
Todays shave

Razor: Bunny V2 NOTSO comb
Blade: Schick Twins
Soap: Tabac
Brush: WD Pure Black Badger
AS: Aqua Velva Ice Blue

I went and had full intentions of using my PAL Adjustable today. When I saw my poor Bunny V2 sitting there all sad. I had to give it a go. I decided to load up the twins for a mother cool ride. Man was I NOT disappointed. I had 2 full days growth. This Tabac lather is awesome. I got another great creamy slick lather.

First pass WTG using a Feather touch. I hold the razor just enough not to fall out of my hands soft. Then I just lat the top spring against my faced lower until contact is made. There is ZERO pull on this thing. It just slid over my face like nothing. I was thinking I was loosing my hearing as there was almost no sound. But seriously it is very quiet. I finished my first pass and did my usual feeling around and found the reduction stellar today.

Second pass XTG went just as well. I could have easily stopped there with a true DFS. Needless to say I had to go for the gusto.

Pass 3 ATG went just as good as the first 2. I finished with the best shave I have ever gotten. Today I was in the zone.

I might have gotten a good shave with a clam shell today
