New Grinder - Iberital MC5

Sunday January 22, 2012
Unfortunately our LaCimbali Magnum on demand runs the battery on our coffee van down too quickly so had too make a choice based on power consumption. In the past I've owned a Macap, Mazzer and La Cimbali so I'm used to quality, I was really sceptical when the Iberital arrived - it is seriously plasticky.

Ignoring first impressions I loaded her up with our new blend and after dialling in the grind (close set stepped) I can only say I was knocked out. Very little clumping, hardly any heat and uniform consistency. I've had various home grinders which are just not robust enough and although a fairly big footprint, for £230 I would recommend this to anyone for home use. I've probably knocked out 6kg or so through this and other than adjusting for temp and humidity as with any grinder it has been faultless. I bought this as a backup but It's staying on the van now which leaves £1200 worth of LaCimbali sitting in the garage - ah well.

By the time one has wasted a couple of hundred quid experimenting with high claim/low delivery home units you may as well pay more up front initially and buy a decent performer. It doesn't matter how good the espresso machine is, if the grind is poor then so will be the coffee.
That's so true Neil! I've had a Macap too (D4M, I think it was) and now I got my lovely Mazzer Super Jolly and it works fantastic (actually a nice step up from the Macap, which I never thought it wold be, but I got such a sweet deal on it, so I couldn't resist :icon_rolleyes.

Even though, if you've got a semi low end espresso machine, you really don't need that a good grinder, I think (below Gaggia Classic or a Silvia)... but I'm not sure, my mate had a Saeco stainless steel something (nice quality compared to many other plastic ones, but really nothing special) espresso machine and he had/has a semi bad/good grinder and it worked okay with his old machine, but not so much so with his new Viebiemme.
Odd thing is Mikael I use a Gaggia Classic at home and it is more fussy than my professional machines with respect to grind, I guess the small pump plays a part in that. Get the grind right and the shots are up there with the best.

The Super Jolly is a superb machine but like most pro grinders it's size prevents it fitting in many British kitchens due to the prevalent counter top/overhead cupboard design. The price too, around £500, would put many off. The Iberital, at it's price point, provides Mazzer like performance but it fits in the kitchen:icon_razz:

Anyone wanting to move up from a home grinder will find this a great investment IMHO.

BTW We now have a bespoke blend for our business - check your PM's.:icon_wink:
Tony: it's the one with a doser (and automatic refill :icon_rolleyes

Neil: Cheers! You could be right re the Classic, never had one and when I had my Rancillio Silvia I had the Macap ... My Super Jolly would _never_ fit with the original bean hopper in our kitchen either, but if you buy Mazzer Minis smallest hopper, it works great