New Format Masterchef

Anyone got any opinions on it? I thought the first two shows, with the X-Factor style auditions, were pretty dreadful, though last week's shows redeemed the format a little.

I hope that model wins :twisted:
cheese_dave said:
Anyone got any opinions on it? I thought the first two shows, with the X-Factor style auditions, were pretty dreadful, though last week's shows redeemed the format a little.

I hope that model wins :twisted:

So do I. :twisted:

I agree about the first two shows, could have done without them. I would have much rather watched the original invention test. Last week's was good. Not much of a fan of the next episode though. Outside catering, just get them back in a kitchen FFS. I don't really care if they can make a chicken curry for 500 hungry scots.
My friend saw it first and was so horrified she vowed never to watch it again and warned me off it. Mrs PC and I are both big fans so had to give it a go no matter what she said. The thing is we did rather like it. It was rather X Factor with John and Greg voting in front of the contestants and having little arguments. And worse it had the friends and family there to share the moments. :shock: But to me those were the only negatives. The new style was a bit of a shock, but then Masterchef has already changed its guise at least twice (remember Grossman?). Once it got past the 'auditions' it began settling down and I do feel I already know the contestants that bit better than in previous series'. There's some decent grub being served up and some funny moments too (mainly from Greg), so all in all I'm happy with it.
Yellow Jim said:
Outside catering, just get them back in a kitchen FFS. I don't really care if they can make a chicken curry for 500 hungry scots.

Yes that has been a problem before though. And I can't stand it when they produce some wonderful food then have to cart it in a little trolley over cobbles and up some windy stairs before serving it. That sort of thing is just ridiculous, it's not The Krypton Factor ffs! :roll:

Oh yeah I know, it's just one of the things that bug me about the show. Along with the silly camera shots and over-egged voice over. Still never miss it though. :lol:
I watched 20 minutes of the first show, somebody PM and tell me when they are down to the last week or two and the final contestants.
The X-Talent styling is soooo wrong they even had the I'm doing this for my dead father moment, pleeeease!

The problem is that in order for the audition phase to work they have to have deluded wannabes, but where was the person with a boiled egg, macaroni cheese or shepherds pie with baked beans?
Pig Cat said:
Come on, is it just me here that likes this show? I think I was in a minority on the Strictly thread too! :roll:
I was a fan of the original show with Grossman, used to watch it on a Sunday afternoon if I remember rightly. Very relaxed. Then they revamped it with Gregg and John "shouting about food", and I liked that too, but I thought the 120 invention tests going on for weeks was getting a bit jaded, so it needed a change. Good to see they've kept in the words "absolutely" and "devastated" though, as well as the hopeful "experimental" chefs. Just need someone to crash and burn while attempting a soufflé now.