New Forest Super Badger Two Band Tubby 2 Brush

The Tubby 1 has a 24mm knot with a 52mm loft. A bigger brush, with slightly less but adequate backbone ( compared with the New Forest 2201 ) for hard soaps as well as creams. Only one ebony version left now but more in ivory and ebony will be available soon.
Fido said:
Extra density and more backbone equals a little more lather hogging. That's something I try to avoid. I'm always looking for that elusive balance - just enough of everything!

I know thats why I said if it had more density I would probably be complaining as well, I did say I was being picky as I really like this brush and it will be staying in my rotation :shave

Bet you put Ebony and Ivory fist then decided to change it...for fear of this ::
(well Pig Cat has gone to bed sick, so i will have to fanny around instead !!!)

the tubby 2 brush is fantastic i cant think of enithing that has not bean said .just this thanks fido for another quality brush im well pleased.
I would like to add my thoughts on the Tubby 2.

I've had mine for a few weeks now (26mm knot and loft of 54mm). Similar to KRF1963 I was slightly dissapointed with the brush when it arrived. It wasn't as dense as I expected it to be. In fact I thought the 22mm NF2211 was similar in density. I done a few test lathers with my gillette blue bowl soap. Compared to my NF2211 it didn't pick up as much soap or lather as well. I'd give it the full test for my proper shave the following morning. Using a few creams, Coates LE, Bluebeards revenge and Nannys soap, I wasn't that impressed. I put it in the for sale section.

After an offer for the brush and warning from a fellow member on here about sending to Spain, I never sold the brush.About a week or so later I tried the brush again. I'm not selling it now. Because it's slightly larger it need a little more product to produce a decent lather. It has probably lost 3 hairs in that time. 2 when I received it and ruffled it with my hand dry, then 1 when using Nanny's Soap. My NF2211 still loses hairs recently, luckily not at the same rate my own head does.

In conclusion, I would say this is a great brush, if your disappointed to start, give it a little time. I've never tried the simpsons chubby to compare. At this price it still represents good value to me. My favorite brush still remains the NF 2211, which I would love to try in a larger knot size with a similar density to the present 2211.
I have found with this brush that I leave more water in than I would expect. It then produces lather as well as any of the many brushes I have. Every brush really needs time to get used to. Each needs it's own balance between water and product to give optimum results. And that does take time to discover.