New Forest Super Badger Two Band Tubby 2 Brush

Well arrived today and man what a chubby little fella it is,looks amazing and packed with so much hair..carnt wait to use it later and will update in time,would just like to thank peter for bringing us these crackin brushes at very reasonable prices,top fella and top brushes
Just a quick explanation. I produced a small pilot batch of ten. These have gone to some of the people who expressed an early interest to me. Subject to positive feedback I will be producing a larger batch soon and will post details in the Vendors Section and my New Forest Brushes Blog. And then there's the Tubby 1 ........ to come.
Well im crap at reviewing stuff so ill just say it was awesome,soaked for a while lathered a few times with mama bears soap and then face lathered WoW,More than happy fido
I too have received (and used!) one of these big boys. To be truthfull I was at first glance a tad dissappointed as the handle is not as elegant as a Chubby 2 and I expected the hair to be a bit denser. In comparison to my 24mm TGN finest with extra hair I could see little difference....

....until I used it! I love my 24mm TGN brush and it produces loads of lather but in comparison to this it is an amateur. I showered in preparation and left the Tubby in soak in warm water during the shower. I used La Toja shave stick which I applied liberally to wet chops and then to a well dried tubby.

Several whirls later there was an explosion of lather, a touch more water and yet more. Four passes later there was enough lather left for another 3 passes I would guess. It feels featherlight on the face and whilst the handle is large it fits nicely in my (largish) hands. If I was being picky I would prefer the handle to be a little less angular in its curves and the bristles to be a tad denser with a bit more backbone.

However, this is less than half the price of a Chubby 2 in best and, although I have never held a Simpsons brush in my hands I would be surprised if Fido would accept a knot inferior to Simpsons own offerings.

I can't compare this to a Chubby 2 but if that is any better than Fido's Tubby I want one even more badly now!

At £45 delivered this is a brush to be highly recommended.
nice one KRF much better than my review I found the handle spot on but i am a large fella :lol: When i first opened it and felt it i thought it was going to be a bit prickly but once wet it felt great on face,nice and soft,i did 3 pass and was enough for another 2 easily left..i hadnt tried many brushes and was of the opinion it either lathers or not lol..i bought fidos 2201 brush and that was and is still a great brush i love useing,i bought a simpsons milk churn on bst on here as i wanted to sample some other good brushes but found it didnt compare 1 bit to the 2201 i was used to..didnt buy the other brush fido brought out as it was stated is was more for creams and i use soaps mostly so this bad boy is spot on for my needs.
Since there is a Chubby and a Stubby, I decided to go for a very simple shape that no one could argue was a straight copy of either. So here's the Tubby 2 alongside the illustrious Chubby.

Bear in mind the Chubby 2 shown here is a "Best" which has a fan shape which makes it a little floppy and a very big brush on your face. The bulb shape of the Tubby makes for a more compact brush head and it's the shape used for the Chubby Two band brush.

Would it be possible at some stage (no hurry) to have (a) the handle height, and (b) handle diameter of the Tubby 1 and 2 please?

Also, is the NF Tubby 2 a heavier brush than Simpson's Chubby 2 in Best? Just wondering.
40mm, 39mm - Tubby 1 (loft 52mm)

45mm, 45mm - Tubby 2 (loft 54mm)

Chubby 2 Best 81g

Tubby 2 Two band 90g

The first small batch of Tubby 2 brushes have now sold out. Both Tubby brushes, hopefully complete with logo, will be available in the spring. These will be hand made here in the Forest.
Well, I have had this brush for a good few weeks now. Was waiting till I got a good feel for it and it was fully broken in.
Love the handle size shape and colour all spot on for me.
The brush produces great lather for me and has quite good backbone and nice soft tips.
Now if I was to be picky I would prefer a little more backbone so either a bit more density or shorter loft( but then I would probably be complaining about to much backbone)

This is a great brush that will be seeing plenty of use from me in the future

Now where did I see that Tubby 1