New Camera

Lose the beard said:
Nice camera that, it has an excellent optical zoom on it as well, equivalent to 25 - 525mm in 35mm world.

We shall be expecting some even better SOTD pictures now

LOL no pressure then, for £119 it's a bargin,it'll take me a bit to get used to it, just got to get some pratice is all :angel:
That's a good price, they've come down a bit since they were launched.

You should be able to get some cracking shots with that. Try and keep the ISO no higher than 400, or you might start seeing some noise on the images. It probably has Auto ISO but you can normally limit it somewhere in the settings.

I'll try that out tomorrow I see what your saying about the zoom impressive camera for that money. I seem to have pushed the poor iPhone to its max and its starting to get out of its depth for the pictures I want. Should be fun tomorrow to see what I can produce.
The one thing I've noticed that I need with this camera is a tripod so I've got to get one will be picking one up from argos later to day.

They are often over looked :blush: but essential as it opens up a different world, my one will be much used :icon_razz:
eneville said:
At 525mm you'll probably need the tripod! Good choice of camera. Can't go wrong with Nikon or Canon.

I'm really pleased with it, the tripod is a must as you are steady and makes shooting a lot easer,my son wanted a photo of him with pooh bear ( a school thing, pooh bear dairy,they get the bear over the weekend and write what they did with it,and a photo with the bear) so muggins got the job of photographer, took the lad out on location in the park took the shot off to boots to get a print 45 mins in total, Mrs J looked at the photo kissed me and stated when we go on holiday guess what your job is? :dodgy: no rest for the wicked.
You should have taken a photo of pooh bear sat down in front of a mirror, with a straight in his hand and some lather on his face
LOL I should have, but thats vandalism of school property don't put ideas like that in my skull :icon_razz:
Mikael said:
Nice picture John!

Cheers Mikael,the poor lad had a biting wind in his face, hence the slight squint in his eye I have yet to photograph my daughter, she's camera shy but I'll get her :dodgy:

And no Martin this ain't the hypo one :icon_wink:
Well done and I'm sure she'll soften up on you!

I'm sure Martin has a store house full of vintage toys he's ready to "help" us poor family guys with ...