New blade selection

YorkNeil said:
I normally use Perma-Sharp but those Personna Medical Prep sound great - where can I get some from?

I got 6 packs of 10 different blades (see my earlier post) from Connaught, including some Perma-Sharps ,so I could test each type using the same prep etc. I made the choice from NotTheStig's blade review, choosing those blades which scored 17 or above.Really pleasantly surprised. Connaught also do the Personna Lab Blues, which are apparently similar to the Med Preps.
If you want to PM me, I can post you off a MED Prep to let you try before you buy.

Top man. PM sent and many thanks.
Have now tried the Perma-sharps and the Bics. Both Ok, not quite as sharp as Feathers and only two decent shaves with both types. Both are similar to Wilkies or 7 O'clock yellows, OK but not brilliant. The Med Preps still top the list.
Bolzanos are next.
good reveiws up to now,i tried the timor,not sure which one now,came with the timor razor,bought,first shave ok,second.not so good,then tried the derby,had the second play with it tonight,not too bad.dont think i will risk 3 with it,onto the feathers next.looks like a trip to Connaught,s.those Med Preps sound like the buisness.
though may wait till i get my new razor,s it seems blades shave differnt with different types of razor.
all part of the fun though.

Bolzanos turned out to be a little disappointing. Felt quite draggy and not too sharp, yet the shaves ended up quite smooth and irritation free. Could not get a third shave out them though. Used the Futur at setting 3, but next time I use the Bolzanos I'll maybe try a lower setting. Not a bad blade, just kind of average.