Never had this happen

So I was all prep'd for a shave, nice lather applied and picked up the razor starting to shave. About three quarters of the way through and the blade just was not cutting the whiskers. Now this is the funny part, it was the second use of the blade, but the performance dropped off a cliff.
I quickly changed it and everything was well again.
I'll refrain from naming the blade but I have never had this happen before!
Has anyone else had this?
I find that happens with quite a few makes of blades, the worst for me are Feathers, they are sharp for a while, then they just go blunt very very quickly. When I was using them I used to replace the blade before every shave as it was usually on the second shave they used to give up, so I replaced before hand so they didn't get the chance. I hate changing blades mid shave.
Yeah, Feathers and all the Chinese blades I've tried just drop off, like the New Stainless Super Thin this evening. One and a half thorough, close shaves. Doesn't really bother me unless I am pressed for time, such as shaving in the morning. I find taking my time in the evening for shaving is better anyway and I can look forward to a nice relaxing shave after I get in.