Never before, Never After

I don't know much about shaving (....... learning fast thanks to TSR) but I do know a good bunch of blokes when I see one. Keep smiling, Jack.

Please put me down for £10.

Please also spell out the Paypal stuff in short words as I'm still a newbie at that.

OK, you wonderful bunch! With that last run of pledges and another tenner anonymously, I make the total now to be £150 promised.

Will someone check my arithmetic, please. £30 anonymously and all those you see here.

I've checked - thanks, Nico - and the total comes to £121.49 - so we are over-subscribed a bit.

Still not 'go' time as I've not heard back from Jack.

A rather brilliant suggestion made by one of the anonymous donors: rather than us all sending fivers and tenners to Jack, why don't you all send the money to me and I'll buy the razor and have it sent to Jack. A much more elegant gesture, I feel. The over-subscription could buy him a bottle of something smelly or a tub of something lathery.

Rather than tell me you agree, I'll make that assumption unless you tell me you don't agree.

Please DO NOT send any money yet - I have yet to talk to Jack. However, if anyone knows his address, please break confidentiality and PM it to me. I'll delete it soonest I've used it. Assuming no-one objects to sending him the razor rather than the cash.

He's going to get home from where ever and be as embarrassed as all hell about this!

Oops! Another tenner! so a total of £160 pledged, according to my count.

We have enough dosh, thanks guys!!!!
Like the idea of a smelly or soapy " something " Carl, and I've always admired your taste. Good of you to set this up. Just let us know when to pull the trigger m8, after you've got the okay from The Jackster.

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/
Ok - we have a go! Jack is at work and will respond tonight - currently he is gobsmacked and amazed.

Please send the money Gift (I'm not selling anything) to my Paypal which is

My username at gmail dot com

Please make sure to include your username so I can distinguish your donations from the millions that pour into my roof fund account on a daily basis.

Go! Go! Go!

Done - can you please confirm when you receive it please mate ?
Just saw this effort you guys have put together and I must say I am amazed at the generosity and community feel here.
Brilliantly done and it'll be great if this can instill some restored belief in Jack when it comes to the wetshaving community.

You guys did an awesome thing.