
I gave up preaching to the pagans a long time ago. It's no use in this utilitarian age.

Not surprising, here on the continent, things seem to be even worse, as a weeks stuble is the rule for under 45's. The french influence no doubt: everyone wanting to look like a Parisian bohemian reading the existentialists and neglecting personal hygiene. :roll:

The BBS shave is "only for gays" some of my lady friends have told me.

Oh well.
Lol treied spreading the word as well since de shaving a month or so ago...Sick of being called a saddo lol.
Leave them to there £10 for 4 blades machs and the like i say...
Frederick said:
The BBS shave is "only for gays" some of my lady friends have told me.
How very bizarre. Does the phrase "designer stubble" not bring George Michael inevitably to mind? Does having a sub par shave increase one's machismo?

I've never felt the need to proselytise about shaving, or anything else really.