Need suggestions - sexy suggestions!

Would you care share your recipes, I would love to try some. :mrgreen:
A thread with this title and PC has only posted twice :shock: :shock: :shock:

Would be nice to have a subtle hint of leather and talc in the mix.
Thanks for the pointers and comments everyone, much appreciated. Martin has very kindly sent me his booklet, which is extremely handy and helpful.

Quite happy to share recipes once I have them 100%. I tried my first shaving soap earlier with a test lather and pass and, shock and horror, it wasn't too bad at all, just needs a bit of refinement but I'm very happy with it as a first attempt.

Do you think she'll really make you some? Perhaps she'll have an absent-minded click of her own, as it were :?

RB73 said:
A thread with this title and PC has only posted twice :shock: :shock: :shock:

This is always a good way of telling if I'm having internet connection issues. :roll:
Pig Cat said:
I expect you've already checked this one out:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

:shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock:
I can't believe I clicked that. But more importantly, :!: :!: :!: :!:

Who buys that stuff? And the landing page! NSFW for sure. So glad I am at home.
If you could come up with something that smells of cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild wimmen that would do it - no, hold on, that was me last week.
