Nanny's Soap Splodges

Sunday June 5, 2011
I recently received a couple of sample splodges. What a great idea these are, just enough for a trial of something new without having to spend a lot in the hope it will be ok. Each one lasted four or five shaves, and for less than a pound each I am not complaining at that.I shall be ordering a larger size Arabian Nights in the near future....lovely stuff !
Thanks . Checked the US online dictionaries and didn't find a def. That applied. Guess it's time for a English English One!
This has been the subject of some ribaldry. Suffice it to say that what you get is a ziplock bag containing a worthwhile sample of Sharon's soap, plenty to make an informed purchasing decision. It's a bit messy in the case of the softer ones, but where there's a will ...
Sorry about that; it's only me here in my kitchen. I'm hoping to catch up a bit over the holidays. I'm also awaiting the delivery of some new soap making pots, as my current one has worn out, so my hands are metaphorically tied at this moment in time.

I remember the fun we all had as the resident alchemist went through the various names for that sample size before finally ending up where she did. Let's see if I can remember a few, since the posts on those have mysteriously been deleted by someone.

First one was a 'clump', but that just didn't flow too well off the tongue. Then there was 'splooshie whooshie', which I liked quite a bit myself. I believe sample 'droppings' was also considered, but finally tossed out, and finally, my personal favorite..... a 'splatter' sized sample.

Did I miss anything?


It was just an observation , I'm sure you have your hands full. As soon as you restock I'll make an order and see what suits me best
I am looking at buying a stock of Nannys shaving soap, but am stuck on fragrance etc at the moment.

The samples are ALL currently out of stock, but when they come back in I'll trial the 3 or 4 im looking at before buying a couple of packs of the one I like best.
I remember when .....Splodgenessabounds,
not when sadly out of stock.
In 1981 we tried to get "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps Please" to be the official Royal Wedding Anthem.

Splodgenessabounds, an English punk rock band formed in South London. Their frontman is Max Splodge.