Nanny's olive oil soap

A few of us received samples of the latest test batch and although she was a little coy about how much olive oil she actually used I liked it enough to go back for more.

This soap is extraordinarily much so that when I went back to one of my regular soaps I rather hacked myself. I can't fault it's lathering properties either which can be a little tricky in my hard water area, I even liked the subtle marzipan scent which can put a lot of folks off but it was well judged. I believe the range doesn't exist yet but I look forward to trying it when it does as long as it doesn't include patchouli, perhaps if it could be made harder I wouldn't be going through so quickly. Good stuff.
I like the thought of marzipan scent and am curious about olive oil. Thought it might kill the lather but sounds like it hasn't. I would be interested in this when it goes 'live'
From CC memory...I think Hunny, Dodgy, PC and a few others received a sample so it would be good to hear their views as well.

Yep, Toots was in her usual adorable mood and sent me enough product for 4-5 shaves. I don't think she'll mind if I include my message to her after using it a bunch. Took me three times to nail it, which isn't unusual for something new to me.

Now this took place maybe a few months ago and no idea if she's tweaked anything since. I am hoping a limited edition featuring Cane Toad EO will be available soon. The version she sent me will certainly appeal to the marzipan fans. Oh yeah, I remember her discussing with us about maybe using a different sorta jar design to make the loading easier.


Here we go:

Used the soap again today (third time) and got a very good shave once again. This time I shook out the brush even more than last time and that helped when using a dryer brush in the.beginning. I let a blob of the stuff sit in some very hot water (1 tablespoon or so) for a minute or two while I have the hot towel on my face. From there after a good brush shake out I spend maybe 10-15 seconds loading that mix up from the bowl to the brush, making sure all the soap's dissolved. I face lather only now, although for years I used a bowl instead.

So it takes a little while longer than usual to whip up the lather. Yep. about one extra minute does the trick, so not a big deal. So maybe 3 minutes total, adding about another 1-2 tablespoons hot water along the way. The brush used is a medium firm knotted one (I think anyway). I know very little about brushes (thank God that nasty little AD hasn't infected me so far).

The cushion is fine, with much better than average slip. Post shave skin care is nice.......leaves my face feeling good. Scent is one to sniff if someone likes marzipan. Your stuff is more toned down than Cella for example.

So there you go. Overall I liked how the soap worked and was pleased to be able to have a positive report for you. It's not the texture I prefer and it's a little inconvenient to whip up, but the main thing is how it performs. You just need to include some kinda directions so people know the best way to get the most outta the soap.
This all started at the tail end of last year, I asked Sharon if I could get her regular soap unscented as I wanted to add my own almond (marzipan) scent to it. To cut a long story short I ended up doing a blind trial of two of her soaps with the same marzipan scent, only known as X and Y to me, one was her regular stuff and the other one an experimental olive oil soap.

It didn't take long to figure out which was which, as X was a much softer soap, it's subsequently been described as a well worked putty or a stiff scream, which I agree with entirely.

Initial results weren't good, a 20 second swirl in the tin with a damp brush produced a lather that had great slip and glide, but no volume and a bit dry. At first I put this down to insufficient loading because of the small tin, a problem I've experienced not only with Sharon's soaps but with the majority of other makers as well. So it was transferred to a much larger container and retried, but I found no real improvement.

Now conventional wisdom say's add more product, look at any of the 'Please help my lather' threads and they all say add more product, swirl for 20-45 seconds, you need longer on the puck, etc, etc. So I tried 30 seconds of loading and the results were worse.

The soap is just so dense and creamy the bristles could barely move, so no whipping action was occurring, it was like shaving with butter cream, great slip and glide but not enough volume, which is where I was at when I first started out with X and thought I couldn't load enough due to the container size.

This is when it hit me, maybe less is more!

So the next morning, only a 5-6 second swirl in the tin produced a real bit of volume and the slip/glide did not suffer at all, this was counter intuitive and a hard habit for me to break. Just for the record I only face lather, no bowls for me and the brushes I've used are a re-knotted 404 with a 22mm TGN Super Silver Tip set a 50mm (this is quite floppy and less dense compared to) my M&F Blonde Badger and LeTuft custom silvertip, both 22mm knots set around 47-48mm.

Following more experimentation I've pushed this further now realizing that this soap can take a huge amount of water more than most things that I've tried and indeed it actually benefits the more it has. Again this is difficult to unlearn, as you usually worry about going beyond the sweet spot and ending up with something like milk. So where it's normally a few extra drips on the brush or just dip the tips in the water, I've been dunking a good portion of the brush in water when building the lather.

Soap X has continued to deliver, I've been alternating between X and something else everyday to get a real feel of how it compares. The something's have all been highly rated by other people and include Trumper's Coconut cream, Castle Forbes Lavender, Proraso cream (old style), P.160, Razorock R160, Cella, Vitos, LaToja, Valobra, MWF and Martin de Candre.

X is by a country mile my favourite, it loads easily and doesn't need much to create a fantastic rich creamy lather that's slicker than one of BP's oil spill's. The really great part is that it stays wet on your face, I find a lot of the others dry out far too quickly and the razor begins to drag, obviously this is in part due to X being able to take a lot of water and the olive oil content.

It's not Mr Whippy lather like some, but it doesn't need to be, as the performance outweighs the volume and I think some of the Mr Whippy types use that effect to mask failing's in slip and glide. Whatever is in it works a treat, my skin condition after a shave is really good, no dryness whatsoever, it actually leaves a nice slippy feeling when rinsing.

Just for fun I tested how far it was possible to push the hydration of this soap and the answer is a very, very, very long way. The last test I did was completely unfair in the extreme, but it was an experiment.

Brush was soaked in hot water (dropped in the sink), I shook it lightly only twice, which is half what I normally do so it was very wet. I loaded the brush from the tin for only 4 seconds and proceeded to face lather.

30 seconds later and I'd got a great load of lather, certainly enough for 2 maybe 3 passes and it was plenty thick enough. 1st pass was a delight no problems whatsoever, as good as ever, I didn't push it too far with this 1st pass as I did need a shave before work, so with that done the 2nd pass didn't matter.

I then added a lot of water, first dripped onto the base of the knot so it would run up the inside, then poked my finger down the knot from the top and added more drips into the heart of the knot and finally dunked the tips in the water (about a third of the knot submerged in the sink) and proceeded to re-lather.

Now this was a ridiculous amount of water, you should have seen the state of the bathroom floor it was going everywhere and it did start to collapse, but... and this is the amazing bit with a bit of work it still produced a workable lather, not Mr Whippy but a nice enough, thin and runny (think double cream) layer, which I find is actually very desirable for 2nd and 3rd passes.

Like I say this was a totally unfair test, as I wouldn't expect anything including the great MdC to produce any form of lather at all from a 4 second swirl in the tin, even with the right amount of water for a 1st pass let alone a second pass with a gallon of water added.

The amount of rich thick lather generated from such a small amount of X was astonishing, less is most definitely more.

X isn't conventional, it's not like any of the usual suspects that we all use and it only takes a ridiculously tiny amount to produce lather that other soap's and creams could dream of. I totally agree with some of the other testers comments about how quickly the lather whips up, it's not only much faster than Sharon's other soap's, but pretty much everything out there.

Is it the best soap/cream in the world, maybe not! Is it the best in the world at anywhere near the intended price point I would say for me yes it is and I've already begun to hoard a lifetime supply. Of course YMMV and interestingly I've noted that at least six testers have trialled this and only two have used it in the same way, both getting the same results. Perhaps soaps and creams should come with a instruction booklet, as we've had, spread it on your face neat, a lump in a bowl then covered with water till dissolved, bowl lathered, face lathered and everything in between. No wonder we say YMMV.

Sorry for the long winded post, but this kept growing as I recorded my findings as I went along during the testing.

I'm sure Sharon will be along to fill in the missing blanks and answer any questions, but take it from me that when this is generally available, grab yourself some.
Like a plank I've deleted the PM I sent Sharon with my findings - from memory the first go wasn't great (in the immortal words of Roy "Slow Talker" Walker: it was good, but not right)... the other 4 or 5 shaves I had with it were great though. I'm not a marzipan/almond fan but I wasn't there for the smell so not taking anything away for that

For what it's worth - I used my standard cream method - apply some to my wet whiskers and face lather - it's that soft.

As ever Sharon's made a pretty fine soap, well worth a try.
I'm hoping this will be available the w/e after the bank holiday w/e. Patchouli will of course be available.
Jamies was the first to put this soap through its paces, in a very detailed and determined manner. He went above and beyond the call of TSR duty, to test it and compare it with several other well known brands. I'm really grateful to him for his help.
I then decided to send samples to a few others, most of whom have posted above. Feed back was generally very good, so I'm happy to be proceeding with it.
It will be available in several different scents; Citrus Zinger is already made, and I'll start with a few of the best sellers, and add to that as time goes by.
Don't worry n1vlo, several scents will be available - any special requests for particular scents that people want to make, I'll do my best to make, if I can.