Names and jobs

James_uk said:
will it be difficult to get a job if your name is Adolf or Osama? :? Its equal opporutnity isn't it? :twisted:

Just think about all those poor people out there called Fred West, Harold Shipman or even Tony Blair

Knew someone called ''mycock'',I'm sure his poor kids are getting bullied in school :?
James_uk said:
Knew someone called ''mycock'',I'm sure his poor kids are getting bullied in school :?

In an old job I once had to call someone called Julia Mycock.

Put it this way, she wasn't married and rules stated I was to call her by her title.

Bit of a mouthful. :?

My 1st job was in a bank, and on the till we were told to use the customer's name, so when someone came in to cash a cheque (shows how long ago) you would do the job then look at the name on the cheque and say than thank you Mr Reid and the would go on their way. After a while it became 2nd nature and you didn't really think about it just said thank you and read out their name.

As a fresh faced 18 year old I found myself in that situation but realised how it was going to sound momentarily before it was said, thus creating a momentary pause which made it much worse. Thank you Miss My......Cock, I was embarrassed she stomped out of the banking hall.