Name your favourite Zenith shaving brush

Please name your favourite Zenith shaving brushes or ones you would like to buy.

Are you going to stock their brushes? If so, I will do a little happy dance in my bedroom (curtains closed so no one can see).

I've owned a few of their brushes, their various grades of badger and horse seem to be really highly rated, I haven't used any of those so I can't comment on them. They have a few different synth knots as well, a new one which I haven't used and can't comment on, and they also have some older generation ones which were quite poorly rated from what I remember.

I have used the different types of their boar knots though. I didn't really get on with their unbleached boar knots, they were incredibly floppy and just destroyed lather, the one I had ate lather like there was no tomorrow. I can't remember which other retailer had them in the UK in stock, but they didn't sell much from what I remember. I don't think the unbleached ones were as popular as the unbleached ones. I have used a few different ones over the years and I think the quality has changed a bit. The unbleached boar knots I've bought recently definitely seem a bit floppier, I have one that I bought in 2016/2017 which was spectacular, finest boar knot I have touched in the countless boar brushes I have owned over the years. The current ones are definitely floppier and easier to break in than the older ones, but they are glorious to build a lather with nonetheless.

So if you do get to speak to the Zenith supplier, I would ask for any of their unbleached knots but if you could request for the knots that use the slightly stiffer boar bristles, I'm sure many would appreciate it. The models I own are the Euro X, 2000, 2006 and Kotibe (all unbleached). The Euro X is the chef's kiss of boar brushes but it seems to be difficult to source, but the others are in production and are very good boar brushes nonetheless. I'm really impressed with the kotibe one in the hand, nice natural wooden handle for a good price.
Yes, I am starting to put an order together & the options are vast. Some of the handles are only available in boar, bleached boar & synthetic, but others are available in:
Boar, bleached boar, synthetic (original type), synthetic silvertip fibre (premium), black fibre, best badger, dark badger (pure), silvertip badger, manchurian 2-band, soft horse, dark horse, 50/50 horse, silvertip/manchurian badger mix, manchurian badger/horse mix, badger/boar mix & synthetic/horse mix.
Yes, I am starting to put an order together & the options are vast. Some of the handles are only available in boar, bleached boar & synthetic, but others are available in:
Boar, bleached boar, synthetic (original type), synthetic silvertip fibre (premium), black fibre, best badger, dark badger (pure), silvertip badger, manchurian 2-band, soft horse, dark horse, 50/50 horse, silvertip/manchurian badger mix, manchurian badger/horse mix, badger/boar mix & synthetic/horse mix.

Wow, that's a multitude of different knots, they seem to have a lot of different handles too.

My vote always will go for unbleached boar, I'm not sure I have much say for the rest of the market and your customers though. I think the guys at B&B rate the Manchurian badger.
pure bristle bleached aluminum handle niquel ring B02-A28 - Hair: Boar

This was the first boar I bought. Again pretty soft tips out of the box and great now its completely broken in. Downsides - eats up soap and too big and chunky (both in the hand feel and the knot size). Keeping for when I eventually lose the head on my hair
Yes, I am starting to put an order together & the options are vast. Some of the handles are only available in boar, bleached boar & synthetic, but others are available in:
Boar, bleached boar, synthetic (original type), synthetic silvertip fibre (premium), black fibre, best badger, dark badger (pure), silvertip badger, manchurian 2-band, soft horse, dark horse, 50/50 horse, silvertip/manchurian badger mix, manchurian badger/horse mix, badger/boar mix & synthetic/horse mix.
As an aside their 50/50 horse is an exceptional knot and unlike other horse hair knots — scrubby, no flop or tangling; it defies the stereotype.
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