My very first shaving set and was it any good?

Johnny Bravo

As some of you may or may not know, I have been going through all my old razors that for one reason or another never seem to get used, this is mainly due to just having too many and I wanted to experience them all again.
I came across my very first DE razor I brought from Amazon and realised I never reviewed my purchase, I thought it might be fun to let you know what I would have said about it at the time of buying it and to see if I have changed my opinion of it.
Here goes.......

It all started when I had had enough of buying expensive cartridges and using so much plastic, I hated shaving full stop it was such a hassle so I looked about for an alternative.
I discovered this little set on Amazon containing 100 blades, DE Razor with twist bottom, a Stick of Arko and a handmade Boar brush all for the massive price of £11.19

My way of thinking at the time of telling the wife about it was here was 2 years worth of shaving, just think about all the money I will save. ( I know this story will sound familiar with a few of you )
I had never shaved this way before and after a couple of shaves I went onto connaughts shaving website to see if there was a better razor as I did nothing but cut my face and make it sore.
From there I got the link to this place and I have been bloody poor ever since lol , I brought an R89 twist and down the rabbit hole I went.
So my review at the time would have went something like this....
Don't bother the razor is terrible, the blades are even worse and the brush just pricks your face like a pin cushion, save your money and go elsewhere.
** rating.
Now a few years down the line and a hell of a lot more experience has my review changed?
I have to say absolutely.
My review would now be....
Great little starter kit for those wishing to learn DE shaving, please give it a month to learn the technique and to break the brush in.
the brush once broken in is a real gem, the Arko is great, the blades do the job but change them often and the razor is extremely light and is very very mild, it will take 3 passes to get a BBS shave but you will get one.
**** rating.
In short I was too quick to judge and like a bad tradesman I blamed the tools, this was down to my impatience and pure inexperience in DE shaving.
The kit does what it promised although it's not the best razor in town, they never claimed it was and yes if you can keep away from the rabbit holes this really is all you need as everything does what it should and that is to give you a decent shave.
Just proves you don't have to spend a mint on the best gear and sometimes something is not bad or terrible, it could just be down to your own inexperience or lack of technique.
I hope I didn't bore you too much but I did learn something about myself.
stay safe out there
When I saw the set, I thought to myself, "that's a decent starter set," read your initial review and thought "too much pressure, and the brush will break in."

I wouldn't want to own any of it, but I could get a good shave off that set. I'm probably echoing the thoughts of every person reading this thread.

My collection is probably at a break-even point compared to modern cartridge shaving, and I have more stuff to show for it, and it's a wonderful hobby at the same time.

...and no, I don't want to do the math. It's probably the equivalent of a new car, after collecting stuff for 20 years. At least I don't have a massive software (soaps and aftershaves) collection, like some people here do.
You are exactly right on all counts and like you I suffer from RAD now.
I would never in a million years buy the razor now but that's after experience and knowing just what's out there.
However for the money the kit does as advertised and I was intrigued to see if my original opinion was right and it wasn't.
I have found similar changes of opinion with blades I have tried and then popped the same blade later into a different razor.
I think many if not all of us are guilty at buying inferior quality goods for shaving at one time or another.
My first set up was fairly expensive
Razor = Feather AS-D2
Blade = Personna Blue
Brush = Alpha 400
Cream = Executive Shaving Bay Rum with matching balm.
i put a fair bit of research in to it before i bought it however up until a few months ago i was still guilty of buying cheaper gear,
By the way i see absolutely nothing wrong with cheap gear.
I find there’s cheap and good & cheap & nasty but that’s a different ball game.
on the other hand iv paid a right few quid for razors i don’t like.
I guess that’s the beauty to this hobby, every man to themselves.
What i will say is now that iv slowed down ( a tad )
i prefer to have lots of software rather than hardware,
i like the enjoyment of using different soaps, balms & splashes.
Unless something jumps out at me like the Athena or a nice vintage that i bought recently i think i’m pretty much done on the hardware front.
That was an excellent bargain and you could have stopped there and been fine. Maybe get a pre-war Tech later and some different blades.
i think your right Toby and actually i’m always on the look out for a nice tech.
i recently bought a ball end but i’d like to try the fat handle infact i’d like to have them all really.
Having said that i’m over fussy when it comes to condition. hence the reason i don’t have many
Has a little look back and my first post on this forum was a review of the new gear I had bought....

Embrace the patina, and the well earned wear on the finish, that's what makes vintage unique and interesting.
My first set was a Wilkinson’s gift set, with the butterfly Wilkinson’s razor - which never did give me a decent shave - Wilkinson’s hard shave soap, which is difficult to get a lather out of at the best of times, a Wilkinson’s bristle brush, which wasn’t great, and Wilkinsons’ blades, which weren’t great either. That lot nearly put me off wet shaving for good! Later got an Edwin Jagger DE89, some Palmolive shaving cream and a Yaqi synthetic brush, and it was a real revelation, was nothing like t trying to get anything worthwhile from the Wilkinsons kit.
If I recall correctly my first set up was a Muhle R89 with a Feather. A body shop brush and a tub of TOBS cream. End result? A dreadful shave as I had no idea what I was doing after some 30 years of not using a proper DE. Like to think I've improved since but holding back on purchasing at the moment while life settles more in to retirement. Other than that I have found those items which work for me and I feel comfortable with. The only issue I do have is dreaming up more stupid themes to SOTD with.

I could get a good shave with your first adventure and only because I've learnt some lessons along the road.
Embrace the patina, and the well earned wear on the finish, that's what makes vintage unique and interesting.
i’m not for restoration at all on vintage,
i can understand people that do it though.
iv got a nos ball end tech waiting on my return that i’m looking forward to.
The human mind is a weird thing,
out of all the razors i have i’m looking forward to using one at £16
the mind boggles