My Razors (Pics)

Hi all.
Some pics of my razors.

Haven't finished taking photos yet, and a few of them have the bottoms missing (grey lines - not sure why). As you can see, I'm no photographer, and I'm using a mobile phone camera which doesn't focus properly unless I'm slightly too far away :icon_rolleyes: but hope you enjoy.
I'll probably redo a lot of them at some point to consistently use the flash as the ones with flash look better, and because a few were as they were when they arrived (someone else's soap scum visible on one! :-S).
Grey lines is an indication of corrupted images. It may be worth formatting your memory card, but PLEASE remember to get any images saved first, as formatting deletes ALL data.

IanM said:
Grey lines is an indication of corrupted images. It may be worth formatting your memory card, but PLEASE remember to get any images saved first, as formatting deletes ALL data.

Thanks but the original images appear to be fine (just reviewed on phone). It was something to do with the upload I guess. Will try again later.

Johnus said:
Tried, comes up that the website can not be found.
Try this - this is for the public images. As I say - not the best photos and problems with grey lines but I like them.

More to follow over the next few days...
Added some more and cropped them all to remove lines.
When I use the built in Picasa uploader on my phone it produces the grey lines; when I use a third party app to upload it doesn't.
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