My Problem

over5feet said:
Urban Hermit said:
over5feet said:
... (wife is from Canada) ...
<snipped> and for the record evryone we know get a bit p*ssed with us and the eh thing

... well it is a hugely exaggerated stereotype (made more cartoony by Bob & Doug for a couple of years in the late 20th Century) like saying Amurikans say 'huh' all the time... or the ubiquitous brit saying "pip-pip, cheerio" if middle class or higher, or "cor blimey" if working class or poorer. Folks seem to need these narrow, behavioural slots to stick other folks into (I said slots guys, stop sniggering!).

... the Canadialandese language stereotype that always makes me scratch my head, is when folks say we say 'oot & aboot' when we try to say 'out & about'. I don't get it, but nowadays I find myself saying 'oot and aboot' on purpose, instead of 'out and about', maybe so I can to see if folks get even more confused, perhaps it sounds even more different to their ears ... like saying 'oyt an boyt' or some such.

Ah well, - I could starting to blather, eh.
Urban Hermit said:
... the Canadialandese language stereotype that always makes me scratch my head, is when folks say we say 'oot & aboot' when we try to say 'out & about'. I don't get it, but nowadays I find myself saying 'oot and aboot' on purpose, instead of 'out and about', maybe so I can to see if folks get even more confused, perhaps it sounds even more different to their ears ... like saying 'oyt an boyt' or some such.

Not the best quality clip, but is this what you mean?

Audiolab said:
Keep taking the pills UH, in fact double the dose :lol:

Pain clinic's new head honcho has actually cut all of my various pain meds ...

He wants to re-establish what my 'baseline' pain is like (cuz he's new & didn't see it my last time through), plus possibly 'reset' the pain receptors which can apparently go wonky with long term use, especially with opiates, like my morphine (dammit).

As for my other meds, they have been tweaked with few times relatively recently, and the knock on effect of the removal of pain meds will affect their performance and interactions with each other as well. All of my medicos agree with that part too. But they haven't boosted my dosages for a while.
    • Loads of fun...
      • But thanks for the sentiments, Audio. Double doseages does sound very tempting sometimes.
              • ... and some other times so does x200 dosages, or even more, but OD's are such a crap shoot for an effectively reliable, quick & clean way out ... dammit.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Pig Cat said:
Urban Hermit said:
... the Canadialandese language stereotype that always makes me scratch my head, is when folks say we say 'oot & aboot' when we try to say 'out & about'. I don't get it, but nowadays I find myself saying 'oot and aboot' on purpose, instead of 'out and about', maybe so I can to see if folks get even more confused, perhaps it sounds even more different to their ears ... like saying 'oyt an boyt' or some such.

Not the best quality clip, but is this what you mean?


Yup, ... that would be the very thing. Yup, yup, yo.
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