My Problem

Oh no!!!!!!

Its got me and I don't know what to do????

I used to be able to SH*T, SHAVE, SHOWER in around 10 minutes and now I sit on the Thomas Crapper with my iphone reading not only the English paper but the New york bloody times and the Globe and Mail (wife is from Canada) for around 15 minutes.

Then take a shower for around 10 minutes

And then lay out all my shaving gear and start that process which can take up to 30 minutes as now getting so fussy about missing spots and being as smooth as a babies bum

So all in all thats nearly a hour extra of my day, Which now means I get up at sodding 05:30

I think I may need help:happy102

Prune juice

You can shave in the evening.
over5feet said:
I used to be able to SH*T, SHAVE, SHOWER in around 10 minutes and now I sit on the Thomas Crapper with my iphone reading not only the English paper but the New york bloody times and the Globe and Mail (wife is from Canada) for around 15 minutes.

Flush the phone.

over5feet said:
Then take a shower for around 10 minutes

Is the water slow or something? Even doing everything twice over I'm in and out in 5'...

over5feet said:
And then lay out all my shaving gear and start that process which can take up to 30 minutes as now getting so fussy about missing spots and being as smooth as a babies bum

Either have a "go to" set for quick shaves, shave the night before or get up earlier...
[youtube] <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->[/youtube]

You need this mate..
Put a TV in the bog if you spend that much time in there, end to end I am 20-30 mins tops from going in to leaving fully shaved and I am not in any hurry, can do it in half that if needed and quicker if I go for a Sensor shave. Mind you I don't read three papers or lay the kit all out, it is all to hand and perhaps as you identify the most useful items for you the process will streamline.

I make it part of the day, it is a calm zen like experience that sets me up and I leave in the right frame of mind ready for the crap that lies ahead.
Audiolab said:
I make it part of the day, it is a calm zen like experience that sets me up and I leave in the right frame of mind ready for the crap that lies ahead.

Are you sure you don't work with me?

Oh I enjoy it, I think thats the problem I enjoy it very much :lol:
over5feet said:
... (wife is from Canada) ...

... there should be an 'eh' after Canada, eh.

Has she got any contacts trying to get you some J M Fraser's creams, and Booster ASLs? ... or looking into the existence of Minora razors and blades, among other Canuckian stuffs pogonautical, in second hand shops and Sally Ann's?

I could be trying to get my brother, sister, 'old pals' and former workmates etc., sourcing stuff for me, but it would meaning writing, emailing, and/or phoning my family & others.
    • ... can we really see that turning out well?[/list:u]
      hhhhhhhhyeahhh, righhht.[/list:u]

    • The hole family is over there eh! so products not a problem and we go back about 4 times a year as well, and for the record evryone we know get a bit p*ssed with us and the eh thing