My new Gold Dachs razor

Sunday July 1, 2012
Further to my other post thread on General Shaving, I tried my NEW Gold Dachs DE razor again this morning and I now have what looks like a brand new duelling scar on the right side of face.
OH well, back to my trusty old 1908 King Gillette!!!!!:huh:
I am just wondering if it is, like you say, technique.
I might give it another try but take more care.
It seems a pity to ditch what to some might be a good DE razor.
Will let you know how I get on. Fingers crossed!!!!!!
Just couln't wait till tomorrow so gave it a retry and went as gently and as carefully as I could a few minutes ago.
Well, you guessed it!! Another cracking duelling scar!!!
I am putting this DE razor to bed and will forget all about it. Bad buy, bad make, bad everything.
Its so aggressive a razor that I am sure it would cut a mammoth!!!

But got a nice cuddle and sympathy from the 'trouble & strife" so its not a total disaster!