My Holy Grail razor...maybe.

Chatting with James at Wolfman tonight I learned something that might be valuable to anyone out liking the BBS-1 but finding it "easier" to score a Wolfman razor head.

Wolfman razors now allows for ordering the heads with blade gaps all the way up to .86mm
Seeing that the BBS-1's blade gap is 1.00mm one might be inclined to think that the .86mm version of the WR heads would be the closest as far as performance goes - but it's not.

Quoting James:
"The BBS-1 blade gap is 1.0mm but the geometry on each razor design is different.
The blade is hidden more on the BBS-1 making it perform like a medium/mild razor. But the gap is actually a full mm.
If you're only referring to the gap, not performance, then .86 would be closest to the BBS-1.
If you're referring to performance the .61 or .67 would be the closest to BBS-1's performance."

Last, a piece of trivia.
What razor does James himself shave with?
The answer:
"I use a Wolfman dual comb with the OC side at .74mm and the SB side at .48mm.
The OC is for roughing and SB is for finishing. This is how I do machining work also."

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As I've continued to use the BBS-1, my shaves get better and better. It's so magical it seems ready to levitate! Never have my whiskers been conquered with such ease.
Hello all,
After a waiting time of 1 year I finally had the oportunity to buy the bbs-1 (#318) from John at lashavingsoap. The razor is trully beautifull and special. After 3 shaves I just struggle finding the correct angles. It is the one with the handle closer to the face or the one with the handle almost perpendicular to the ground and so away from the face?
Thank you
No idea and you'll only hate it for that
Give it to me instead..