My Holy Grail razor...maybe.

My love affair w/ the LASSC BBS-1 continued this morning as I had another extremely pleasant and close shave.
It was literally as if I just had to gently touch my face with it and the stubble fell away....
Amazing, beautiful, efficient and a keeper


That's one seriously beautiful razor. I want one so bad......(puts phone down and walks off in floods of tears).

Being mainly a vintage guy I must admit that is one solid, shiny and just darn good looking razor.
To this day, I don't know of any other razor that is as appealing and as enigmatic to me as the BBS-1.

This razor is indeed legendary, and the most coveted razor I can think of. The cherry on top? It's not even discontinued (to my knowledge). This razor did not need any marketing, or hype. It's just a really special razor.

Enjoy it in good health, sir.

Thanks, I truly love it. I didn't know until a few days ago that the blade gap is a full mm btw.
They do come up now and again for sale and the best prices seems to be on FB or Reddit (eBay prices tends to be rather...opportunistic)