My First Ever Shave With a Feather...!

I bought a sample pack and was eager to try the feathers and found they give a good shave but they was alittle snaggy. They felt sharp but for some reason tugged on the main areas when applying no extra pressure.

Tried one shave with the wilkinson platinum. Was ok. Will see how then next few shaves go
I'm still getting used to the Slim Adjustable I'm now using. I did start off with feathers in it, as I'd found in the DE89 they gave me the easiest shave, but the feathers gave me a poor shave, so far.

Until about 10 minutes ago I've struggled with the Slim to get a good shave. Yesterday I wasn't completely smooth but I had to stop as I could feel irritation coming. However I had probably the best shave I've ever had tonight, and that was with a Gillette Super Thin Platinum, and the adjustable dial set to 4.

I will go back to feathers, of course, since I've got 50 of them sitting in the cupboard... but I'm going to be investigating lots of blades to see what works best.

Something that I find makes it difficult to really judge a blade is controlling all of the other variables. How do we know, for example, that our stubble is at the most pliant it can be, or how do we really tell we got a great lather from the shaving soap/cream rather than just a very good one.
That only really comes with experience. It's one of the reasons why I advocate a new DE shaver using one blade type for a protracted period. Once you can be reasonably confident that the other variables are under some sort of control, you can really make a judgement as to different types of blade. If your prep or lather are good one day and lousy the next, you won't be able to determine how the change of blade has affected the shave.

Out of curiosity I tried recently no face soak but instead a few splashes of water to wet the face and tried 7 OC Sharpedge and Permasharp blades but lots of irritation on the neck and some on jaw areas. I then went back to 90 sec hot face soak (very hot water) with flannel with a sharpedge and Super Platinum (blue) and neck irritation almost all gone (which is saying something for me). You need to soften those whiskers and open pores - hence the heat and water. Softer whiskers (which can be as tough as copper I have read) should help with blade longetivity too.

Wouldn't worry too much about perfecting the lather which will come almost subconciously with practice, but if anything make sure it's not too thin - too watery with lots of small bubbles. Thicker/slicker lather is a good place to be and then add a drop of water if it's too thick. Water evaporates but the only way to get the lather thicker is more soap and I know which one I'd choose...

Oh, have tried Feather once and smooth yes, but too many nicks. I get good shaves from other blades now my technique is much improved but was nice to try a Feather. May even get round to trying one in my Slim at some stage but no rush as shaves are good with Sharpedge/Permasharp and even Astra SP blades and these are cheap.
I have found this subject very interesting. I thought I would try the Feathers blades so bought 10. After using 3 for 3 days each blade, for me at least I do not see the great difference placed on the Feathers as worth the money.
My 50 Super Max Blue Diamonds cost £5 and each blades last 4 days = 200 days
50 Feather blades cost £20.45 to get the 200 days.
To me at least the Blue Diamonds are equally as good as the Feathers and in minor respects better.
I have not tried Astra's so that might be a next trial blade, but in any case it has been an interesting subject of discussion.
Back to the drawing board!!!
I've not tried a feather yet, i've got a packet somewhere in my long queue of blades to try.

I've been through all my gillette blades now (All 5 type's of 7 O'Clock, Superthin's, Indian Wilks), they all give nice shaves in all my razors, along with Astra SP (Astra SS are ok).

I think next i'll be trying my Supermax blades, i think i have 4 types..
A lot depends on the type of hair growth you have. My upper cheek area hair is reasonably soft and really any blade suits.Upper lip, chin and neck areas are like steel wool and this is where I appreciate the Feathers. Derbys or Treets don't even start to make a dent. Lords, Astras, Wilkies and Sharks are reasonable for one shave and passable the second. Only with Feathers can I be confident in getting 2 good and one decent shaves per blade. In saying that, I can detect differences between individual Feather blades, some are sharper than others. My lathering and prep is pretty constant.
So I think that there are certain people for whom any blade is OK, and those with growth like my own who would need the sharpest blade around. If you couple that with the differences in skin type and tolerance to irritation, plus the variations on prep and lathering, it is no small wonder that no one blade will suit everyone.
I'm only a couple months into DE shaving. Started with Derby's that came with my EJ DE86 then bought a sample pack with Green Astra's which I got on well with. Been trying feathers for a week now and in my limited experience they are the best - for me - so far at least
I've been using a DE89 head, and I've heard it said it's not overly aggressive... and given that the feather blades are very sharp.. I wonder if we get a good shave because they make a good combination, a moderate razor head with a very sharp blade?
Halk said:
I've been using a DE89 head, and I've heard it said it's not overly aggressive... and given that the feather blades are very sharp.. I wonder if we get a good shave because they make a good combination, a moderate razor head with a very sharp blade?

Certainly I'm not alone here in agreeing that a mild razor/aggressive blade works well.
Just to add: I had my first shave with a feather yesterday - also in a DE89. Wow! It just seemed to float over my skin, scything through the stubble with a schwing! I thought that I was going find it either underwhelming or too challenging but, as a combination, it's probably the best I've come across so far...

In a while, when I'm feeling brave, I'll load one into my New with BRW handle...

I love Feathers but I could never use them every day as my skin would get a bit sore.

I use them for those days when I have a few days' growth. They are fantastic for tackling a beard after a few days off. I used to take the best part of half an hour hacking away at my beard with multi-blade cartridges. They are blunt compared to Feathers.

A Feather loaded in a Slant bar - now there's a combo!

you should try a feather in a shavvete.

you can get a closer shave with 1 pass than most can get with a catridge (might be because when we used catridges we hated them so much we waited as long as possible between shaves)

the irony is the hair can't grow fast enough now