My F1 Filarmonica

The plan here was to polish up this Filly and make a set of scales with a Formula 1 theme.
As you will see in the first picture the scales are a profile of a F1 car.

Then my 5 year old daughter took a interest so I left the decoration to here & her nail varnish pens!

Blade was hand polished from 80 grit up to 800 dry and then 800 up to 12,000 wet.

Scales started at 5mm thick acrylic and was hand sanded down to 3mm and polished up to 12,000 dry.
Pinning was done without washers and the wedge is a blue acrylic.

Honing: Naniwa SS 1k, BBW with thick slurry 6 passes gradualy thinning down to water, 8k Naniwa SS, Finished on a Coticule.