My Ever Ready Collection


Wednesday November 7, 2012
Woburn Sands, Bucks
Hi all,

I've made some time to take some pictures of my collection of Ever Ready razors.





Natural Angles



There we are then. I've got other 1912s, but the ones posted are the best in terms of condition.

All the best,

I envy you greatly sir.

Although I own almost all of the razors you have in your collection (apart from a Streamline sadly) mine are in "user grade" condition, my favourite razor being the Embassy Set (first picture).

All the best.

Nice collection you've got jds, :icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen: I especially like the Lu-Lu Temple razor,it's the same one as my one
John said:
Nice collection you've got jds, :icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen: I especially like the Lu-Lu Temple razor,it's the same one as my one

Really? I saw it on Etsy and I wanted a boxed shovelhead, and this really appealled to me with its custom made box.

Where did you get yours?


Hi Jon I got my one from ebay here are some shots

Interestingly the Lu-Lu temple are still going, and I emailed them and got a polite response from a gentleman who was delighted that the razor had been found and still in use, I explained that I was a member of TSR and emailed him a SOTD picture and he was thrilled.
He told me that the razors were given away as a gift on that day. I have seen aother Lu-Lu razor with chrome clamshell case with red lining in the inner.
hope you enjoy it :icon_smile:

kind regards John.
mulligano said:
Very nice collection, especially the green boxed "ambassador".

That was courtesy of UK Rob. I have shaved with that on several occasions. Feels really nice in the hand, but I have to say I've not managed to get my best shaves from it. Lovely piece though.


A very nice collection I have the blue boxed Ambassador but without the price card in the lid but it's got eight Ever Ready Corrux blades i would still like to own your collection very jealous
Very nice indeed, sir. I love some of the head shapes and handle styles. Just got a basic 1912 myself and its not had an outing for a wee while. Must remedy that soon. Great story with the Lu-Lu Temple one!
Be careful of the 1914's. I've found that the parts that hold the blades in the right locations seen to break or corrode off. Could yield a rough shave! Check before you buy.