MWF Shave Stick


Woburn Sands, Bucks
I've made myself an MWF shave stick. Bought a reduced price FCUK stick deodorant from Boots. Discarded the deodorant log, cleaned out the tube. Grated the remains of my MWF puck and then stuffed it into the void a couple of days ago. Will give it a run out tomorrow. I sort of tried it out by rubbing the puck on my face a la shave stick and it produced a great lather, so I have high hopes!

Will post in SotD tomorrow....


I've known people do this in the past with MWF and get good results even when using the cake was not working out for them.


Which is why I did it... the puck worked for me but took a lot of effort but I love the lather and the scent, so fingers crossed for a good result tomorrow.

Mr_Smartepants said:
I've heard that simply grating the puck is what works. It increases the surface area and introduces "voids" for the water to penetrate.

Possibly, but whatever it was I had a lovely lather this morning... so very pleased.


And this works brilliant for soaps, especially Mitchell's -

I just grate some into a bowl and it works brilliant.

Nice! Very thinking outside the box I don't have any lathering issues with MWF, the only reason I see myself doing this to make it more travel friendly as the lid doesn't close etc.