Closed Muhle R41 Razor COMPLETE

RE: Muhle R41 Razor


Just saw Jamie's loving tribute to that razor.....pretty funny there buddy. I know exactly what you were talking about, seeing as how you and I have similar tastes and opinions in razors and shaves. Sounds like that R41 is something for me to steer clear of for sure.

I think Jamie's right about it not being a question of technique or blade issues causing a problem, but rather the razor itself. Sometimes there's just no way to tame it to someones druthers. He gets that and is willing to move on without doing much damage. I always liked that about you buddy.

The idea of finding the right razor/blade combo means using a set up with just enough bite to do the job perfectly. Otherwise, we'd all be using a Feather in every razor we owned. And we would own some aggressive ones.

Thanks again Dick for providing the interesting piece of shaving crap to test drive. Been entertaining, as we both hoped........

RE: Muhle R41 Razor

I had a good chuckle at Jamie's review too, and have to say I agree.

I bet I've had about 3 crap shaves for every good 1 with the R41. Mine will be sold soon for the same reasons I got rid of the Joris and the Feather Artist Club which are that I can get just as good shaves with something like an Aristocrat Jr or red tip Superspeed without the risk of cutting myself really badly.

Seems like the R41 is a marmite of a razor!
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

I'll have you know I'm more manly that our own Vinnie's happy sacks :icon_wink:

Don't get me wrong, I don't like mild razors by any means. I like to feel the blade and I've got a few with more blade exposure than the R41, but they still manage to be smooth which the R41 isn't (for me anyway).

It all went down hill after we went decimal, rusty old shaving crap is the only way.

Avoid it like the plague Martin, I'd say a double overclocked FatBoy with a rusty Jewel is about on par with this.

Spot on mate, both you and Martin are right on the money. There is no need for this level of aggression, better or equal results can be had in a far more enjoyable way.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Well I love mine. So much that I bought a spare! Mine has a regular place in my weekly rotation. Unless travelling upsets my routine it's Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night with my R89, then change blade and razor for Wednesday and Friday night with the R41. I don't need a to be really cleanly shaved on Fridays and Sundays, and the R41 gets close enough to last two days really easily, which actually means less irritation.

Fantastic instrument!
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Just goes to show that we're all different. Nice to hear it works for someone.

Fair play to you, that's one hell of a change of pace. An R89 which for me is as mild as a Tech, to a R41 which...... well you've seen what I've said already.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

I've been following this for some time, and strangely have no desire to join in this wonderful facial carnage, whats the saying "your the monkey,and I'm the cheese grater" Springs to mind.
And NO I aint putting my name down neither, I think Jamie's description works wonders for me, Thank you:icon_razz:
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Just a quick update, the razor left me yesterday on it's way to Omikin. Good luck matey.

Once again I'd like to thank Dick for releasing this savage beast in to the wild.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Thanks to Jamie for passing on the R41 which arrived chez omikin yesterday.

I didn't have a shave yesterday due to an earplug/alarm/stella oversleeping incident, so the Muhle had 48 hours of stubble to deal with. I don't know how thick my stubble is, although my hair is very thick, so I don't imagine it's on the thin side. The Muhle did seem to struggle with it, though. Even on a WTG pass it sort of "juddered" over thicker patches on my chin and top lip, and as a result still left quite a lot of long stubble for the XTG pass to deal with.

Managed an ATG pass as well, but on rinsing there were a lot of rough areas to touch up. The touch ups left quite a few weepers too, so I'm not over the moon with it.

Final result - BBS shave but not without a great deal of collateral damage. No real irritation (if nothing else the reputation of this thing led me to really concentrate on not applying too much pressure...), but it was a very draggy feeling during the shave.

I'm still new to DE shaving (~1 month in) so a lot of the above could be down to technique, but I do find my Weber gives as good a shave without some of the issues I found with this one.

I might give it another go tomorrow morning to see if it's any better with just the one day's growth to deal with, but I suspect this one is not for me just yet.

Have PM'd Norfolkdick to get the next victim's address...
RE: Muhle R41 Razor


sorry- can you take me off the list?

I seem to have inadvertently won a R41 off e-bay. I put in a low bid several days ago and forgot about it. It seems I got it for £16 (gulp)

You may see it in BST in a few days
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Ok. I admit defeat. I've used it twice and I just end up with a rubbish shave, possibly because i'm so wary of it. It does do a superb job of exfoliation though, boy the thayers stings after I've used it.