Muhle R41 (2013) pass around

Given the R41 a good go. Not as nasty and aggressive as I was expecting. Nor was it the best shave in the world. Don't think it is suited to my skin type. It is a very good razor and the build quality is excellent. Love the good will of TSR, thanks you for the opportunity to try the Muhle. Very much appreciated.

Will have one last shave this weekend - & will try the supplied R89 head. Is Celtic67 next in line? If so, drop me a PM and I'll post on early in the week.

regards Richard
The R41 has arrived safely today. I'll get started with it in the morning. It's a lovely looking thing, I'm really looking forward to trying it.

Many thanks to Richard for posting it on and Danny for making it available in the first place.
I had my first shave with the R41 today. As per advice in this thread, I went for a Voskhod blade and made sure my lather was quite thick with plenty of cushion. I did 3 passes and it's a pretty decent shave. Not quite as smooth as I get with my unknown brand OC and a couple of tiny nicks, though nothing that bled. The nicks were in the same places that I get them with other razors occasionally. Cold water closed them. Oh, and I forgot the pre-shave oil, which I do find helps me.

Even though the head seems quite big compared to my OC, I found it much easier to go around my goatee than with my 37C. I've also purchased a Gillette New from BST, so it'll be interesting to see how that compares with the R41.

As there are a few Shark blades in with it, I'll probably try one of those with it. Maybe an Astra SP or a Swedish Supersteel as well. I don't want to do too much chopping & changing, though, I'd rather just try to get used to the razor.
I've had a few shaves with an Astra SP and, though it was decent with no nicks or irritation, I'm just not getting BBS like I do with my old OC. Obviously, the shave isn't lasting as long either. I feel ready to shave again by the evening.

I'd meant to try a Swedish Supersteel this morning but forgot and used the Astra again. I'll give it a try tomorrow. As I've not got long left, any other suggestions for blades for this razor? I tend to find Sharks a bit poor, so I'm not sure they're going to cut the mustard for me with the R41.
I had my last shave with the R41 this morning. As explained in this thread., I went a bit over the top, doing 4 passes.

I got a nice, smooth shave with no nicks, no irritation, no soreness, etc. Overall, the R41 is a good razor, capable of giving a very nice shave. I'm just not sure it's better than my unbranded OC.

The R41 is a well-built razor and looks very nice. The head might be a little too big for my taste. I've got a goatee and find the R41 better for going round that than the 37C, but not as good as my OC that has a smaller head.

I've received a Gillette New and will start using that next. I'll add something in here after a few shaves just to say how it compares for me.

I'll clean it this evening and hopefully get it posted to sonny tomorrow.
Good stuff sonny, you are the last one in the list. If there are no members to continue the chain after you please send it over (i'll pm my details if this happen to be is the case).
Had a shave with it this morning. Nice enough shave for a first try. No nicks. I'm a slant man through and through but am happy I got to try this razor. I like the handle too.

Cheers for your kind gesture and razor will be posted out to you on Tues.