Muhle R41 (2013) pass around

Well, used the 41 this week. Found it a little bit mild for my tastes! Nice comfortable shave, but not enough bite... Guess the old types, ATT's and futur set to 6 have improved my technique, the 41 felt how I remember my DE89 feeling when I first started this business!

P.M'd the next on the list.

Thanks Shemen and TSR.

Just tried the 41 for the first time.

Brand new GSB blade, three or fours days stubble to give it something to bite into. Bear in mind that this is something my futur will blow away with the same blade.

Tugging, pulling, irritation and nowhere near the clearance the futur is capable of.

OK, so i guess the 41 cant do the lawnmowing. Ive got the futur for that, so I'll try it again with normal day to day stubble to see how it fares.

Glad to have got the monkey off my back, but I dont think the 41 is for me. We'll see once it's had shot at a normal shave...

The key to lawnmowing with the R41 is buffing at a shallow angle, for regular stubble is more like 30 degrees and very gentle strokes, also the GSB is hell of a sharp blade in the R41, I like something less sharp for most scenarios in this razor, you will be surprise what a Rapira stainless can feel in this razor.
have had a couple more tries with the 41 and its just not for me.

I guess I'm spoiled by being able to have a damn fine 1 pass shave with the futur, but I feel it doesn't really give me anything more than my R89. I just don't do three passes anymore.

A little disappointed after the reputation this thing has, but we all want different things and I'm sure it'll be a revelation for someone.

So, if Celtic can drop me a PM with his address, I'll try and get it out Saturday. if not it'll be posted Tuesday.
Hi all, just a quick update.

Unfortunately I had a bit of an accident on Friday evening which left me unable to walk for a few days. I am just about back on my feet now (with some help when needed), but i have therefore been unable to make it to the post office to send this on to Celtic.

To avoid this being stuck in someone's desk while they are away, if Glen_Lee can PM me his address, I will send this to him ASAP, and it can then go on to Celtic67 when he is available again.

Again, sorry for the trouble.

I'm away for a week from Saturday so it would've been sat here unused. Hopefully I can just miss a turn, but let me know if I need to trudge to the back of the queue.
Well, i managed to hobble into work today, and so will be stopping at the post office on the way home to send it on its merry way to Glen Lee.

I've added some 7'oclock greens to the package as well.

Sorry for the delay everyone.
rhedgehog said:
Well, it's arrived safely with Glen Lee, so i think it's just Celtic67 and Sonny left to try it out....

I'll start using something mild, give my skin a bit of time to recover before the onslaught. I might even leave it for a few days so I can see how this copes with a few days' growth.