
Saturday February 15, 2014
E17 the biggest band in Mongolia
Has anyone heard reports of this having detrimental effects on sensitive skin?

I'm asking because Saturday of last week a load of new products arrived and I dived right in with all of them.

The result was some really nasty areas of burnt skin on my cheeks (although a BBS on my neck so it wasnt all bad). I initially put it down to the cheap essential oil heavy shaving oil and binned it. However, once the scabs had fallen off (really) I had another shave last Saturday and although not so bad there were still large red blotches over my cheeks and chin.

I had really been looking forward to the MrGlo after reading such good reviews and thought I would use it as both a preshave and facial soap on non shaving days, so I really didn't want it to be the MrGlo. Last night however, I washed my face before bed and 10 or so minutes later I started to feel a little burning on my cheeks. It was no where near as bad as after the shaves and there were no rashes, but still it's worrying.

The only other variable in the save pre and post burns are Astra SP blades but I cant see that being the problem.
rhedgehog said:
Maybe it's the lime oils in it. Citrus oils can be quite irritating to some people i have heard...

I found this on an aromatherapy site

Lime (expressed) A powerful photosensitiser which is best avoided for skin application, distilled is far safer.

I cat find any info on whether Mrglo is distilled or expressed tho'.
It would be better to contact Mrglo direct as I am sure they would like to know if one of their products is causing the kind of damage you have explained. They may also be able to shed some light as to the likely cause of the skin damage you experienced. They may have a recall on that batch.

It certainly does not sound good if a soap is causing such skin damage.

Thanks for the reply guys and thanks to Chrisbell for I believe the phrase is "enabling".

Just a thought though, in the ingredients list, that's not real beaver?

I'm not sure - as it's a traditional component of colognes and EdTs, Vinny (Joe mclaine here) might be the chap to ask - what he doesn't know about such matters isn't worth knowing.