
Male suicide now a national public health emergency, MPs warned - The Daily Telegraph

In 2013, the last full year for which figures confirmed by inquests are available, 6,233 people took their own lives – almost eight out of 10 of them men – an overall rise of four per cent in a single year.
The problem is particularly acute among middle aged men which saw the highest suicide rate for 34 years.
It has led to speculation that a generation of men whose adult lives have been marked by major social changes affecting the workplace and family are at a greater risk of suicide.

Just as a reminder of why we're doing this.
Well I appear to not have posted yesterdays snap, which saw a reduction in did today! So, here's a couple of updates in one day:



So yeah, the times are really coming down, the sweat and blister count going up and Ned is getting longer by the day. All that needs to happen now is our donations to increase Here's hoping we keep them rolling in
OK, mind your eyes gents, and I promise I'm not going to appear on Crimewatch any time soon, but here are days 8 and 9 (the latter being the dubious looking 'mugshot'), showing a bit more growth and a smashing of my 10K times, showing that MOVEmber really is working for the benefit of myself and those who chose to donate to my efforts:

