
I already have quite possibly the most impressive moustache to ever grace the face of a man under the age of 45, so for that reason, I'm out.

Happy to chuck a few quid at this good cause though.

And don't forget to encourage your lady friends to take part in Fanuary.
I'm planning on giving it a go, wife and on-site customer work permitting. I have yet to decide whether to target a given area from the start or just to go with the whole shaggy mess and then shape half way through.
Hmm, might do, I had a slimline "cad" moustache on by wedding day back in 97 which lasted about a year, after that I was bare until a tour to Iraq in 2008 where I grew a luxuriant bushy Vinny-worrier. I trimmed the bottom edge but that was it. So I know I've got the growing ability, question is whether my wife, young daughter, or potential employers will like the look... possibly, possibly not.

Definitely! I miss mine and I've still got plenty of moustache wax left. The kids and the missus have been forewarned and have been enjoying a smooth cheeked Daddy since I shaved the last one off.
Definitely. And I have ridiculous growth so I expect the full Tom Selleck after a week.
No one has ever seen me with facial hair. the only time I had some was during university silliness, involving a bad goatee, and that was 18 years ago.
No one who knows me now, knew me then.
Last time I tried the growth just didn't seem dense enough and the hairs grew to all the points of the compass. I've got a good head of hair and judging by my Dad, I probably won't go bald but he can grow any type of beard, moustache or combination thereof he wants. I think bad acne in my youth didn't help as the hairs I've got take some cutting and seem pretty wiry.

Would love a handlebar! Aye, ok, one Scotsman with a fluffy, radicalised top lip from November 1st on. If, in the unlikely event that it grows ok and I like it and SWMBO / DWMBH (daughter who must be heard) don't shun me, do I have to shave it off come the end of the month?

Pictures Vinny!

No it takes going on 3 months for a good HB - beard hair grows at roughly the same pace as your head hair, indeed all hair, around 6" in the year; depending on health and diet. For the first month it'll look scrappy on just about anyone so persevere!
The Count

Right o' Count, I'll go for it! I take it all these lotions and potions for hair growth are just expensive snake oil? Alright then, no shaving top lip from today! What the hang have I let my self in for? Oh dear.......

It's back to the 70's.

Like the pictures in the bongo mags you'd find in the bushes on your way home from school ... if you were lucky.
I did it last year, and raised quite a bit of money. I can't remember the exact amount, but I was pleasently surprised by the amount from friends, family and TSR members alike.

Not sure if I'm doing it this year, as I got a bit fed up of seeing my 'tache every time I looked in the mirror, and it made me look like a prison officer!
