Movember Mo competition. *Complete and thank you all! *

Re: Movember Mo competition.

No clean photo. But her it is as of today. Off for a shave in a bit to clean up the rest of the face.
missus isn't amused but is not saying anything.
Hey all for a good cause now I need some of my friends to donate .

Bloody thing is sideway oops


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RE: Movember Mo competition.

Haha! Our daughter is on standby to judge the winner ... hoping she has plenty of debating to do to pick our winner!!

Honoured to be supporting such a worthwhile cause.


Stuart & Angie
RE: Movember Mo competition.

First time growing a 'tache for me, so I am all the more curious to see how it will turn out.
Definitely can't compete with some of the more seasoned bearded folk here, but still happy to try it out for this laudable cause.
Movember Mo competition.

Day 7 and signs of progress. Unfortunately, the overall appearance is of a messy snuff taker.



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RE: Movember Mo competition.

Mr_Mac said:
How's the tashes coming on chaps??

Itchy as hell, feel basically dirty and unclean but got this message yesterday

Hi .thought u might need some encouragement now u are at the 'itchy' stage! My partner has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer..he's just waiting on his MRI and bone scan results so movember is well and truly relevant to us..the website has helped him get info especially now that the drugs have some not so nice side u keep scratching and counting the days to a clean shave..appreciate all your efforts...just thought this might help ya! Take care x

So, any thoughts of getting rid and giving up are gone

And there's more silver than I recall in previous years as well
RE: Movember Mo competition.

Not too itchy here . With says it's scratchy. Kids are fascinated by it.
But I need to drum up some money. Everyone comments so I suppose it's raising awareness.
RE: Movember Mo competition.

I've had donations from immediate family no problem but my Facebook appeal isn't having much success. People like the pics and there's always a few comments but the dosh is not forthcoming.