Motorbikes anyone?

Some great looking bikes coming out here and you just got to love the old BSA A65. The red and white scooter, pure class. Met some scooter guys last year and they were incredibly enthusiastic and passionate about them.

I am looking at a possible second bike this year and another Guzzi. This time to rebuild in to an 'old school style' Cafe Racer being as MG's take to the conversion really well.
Alas no sickle on the driveway these days - not stable enough any more
Previous road bikes
Honda H100 tore hamstring, trashed back, abraded various bits, learnt to wear boots. Last road legal bike for a while. Swapped after a month for a
Suzuki X5 put L'plates on it, local policeman wasn't too happy, good fit under bonnet of my fathers car (I turned out to be quite good at clearing gorse bushes at the same time)
Suzuki A100 whoops
Honda CD185 let us not talk about that
Yamaha RD 250 coffin tank, fragile engine
Kawazaki Z250 in black and rust, salvaged from tide line, no exhaust, no lights, no front brake, hacked ignition circuit, never felt more alive, bugs in teeth, rictus grin etched for hours after riding
Yamaha XS400 (bought in basket, never finished rebuild, gradual attrition)
Honda CM 125 surprisingly fun to ride, finally took the test
GS500E F**k did that weave at speed
Yamaha FJ1200 second favourite bike - see Z250
GSXR750WN first and last new vehicle) two up racing back with the club from a darts match in six bouncing rev limiter, throttle back and brake for sweeping corner, cam chain separates, loud bang, no power bike feels like two wheels connected by a long rubber stick somehow brought it to a stop with two feet on the ground and hands frozen to bars
DR350 loan from mate, bugger to start but a hoot when running.
GSXR1100WP (P I think) loan from MotorCycle Sh^h^hCity after my good lady wife became fierce, unexpectedly good at riding across fields
GSXR750WN having been rebuilt by Suzuki techs with a couple of the original parts from the engine - yay! blueprinted! - just too easy on the road thus requiring silly speeds to make the commute fun
ST1100 taught me to ride to system and still keep up with mates

I aspire to summat akin to the OP's
cam chain separates, loud bang,

Yeah ....... They screwed it up in the SRADs, too ...... Bloody useless cam chain tensioners; always sound rattley .......... and they go t*ts up a a frightening rate, too ...... Keep meaning to fit the Melted Sliders manual tensioner I've got in the garage, but never get around to it.

Those FJ1200s are a bike ....... Lad I know still has his .......
My old ZZR1100D7 which lived with me for nearly 12 years before moving on to the 1400. I still swear the 1100 was the better bike probably because the 1400 was all far too easy to reach break neck speeds and the ease of handling stole some of the fun. The 1100 made you 'ride'. Equally as fast in many ways, made a lot more noise and just something about it which connected.

The 1400 which eventually saw its demise courtesy of some young idiot in a Range Rover thinking he was the invincible King of the road. Unfortunately I never once dreamed of being King of the road and certainly not being invincible. A right off and gave me a good excuse to go with a long term desire to go with the Guzzi. And God knows why, but happy I did.

Seville Spain after nearly 1800Km in less than 24 hours and a run through the jet wash

Same tour through Europe after 7000Km and several million insects later

Shall be interesting this year to see if the MG can be as reliable touring and knocking up the miles.

Templ8 - I had a test ride on a Firestorm a long time back and really loved it. Very deceiving about how fast it was actually travelling. Bought the ZZR1100 in favour mainly because of tank range
Satanfriendly, that is the major drawback on the firestorm, poor range.
The most I've had from a tank full is 120 miles, average is about 90 miles and the worst was a pitiful 68 miles, although it was having its neck rung.
I've been riding off and on for 40 years. Love it. This has been my ride for the last 2 years since I gave up sportsbikes......
Apologies for using "advertising" - I don't have any suitable pics of my own and this was the best I could find on the InterWebs :-(
After riding various makes models for 40 odd years I've had to hang up my helmet as the body cant keep up with the head anymore. If I had to boil it all down to one bike though, it would be the Laverda Jota I had In the late 70s in Germany. One of the first superbikes, handled like a sumo wrestler in some situations, but for sheer adrenaline even the GSXR1000 couldn't match it, even though it's much quicker and handles so so much better. The Jota was pure flys in your teeth riding

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Dave (the rave) .... I can't add much of interest to this topic as I only ever had two bikes at the age of 16/17 (A BSA C15 and Triumph Tiger 90).

But, unless I'm mistaken your pic shows you in a Flecktarn German Army Goretex top. I bet it came from Cissbury's.

Mine is as much use at keeping rain out as a a paper bag but it gets used every week for a particularly mucky job (but only when it doesn't look like rain). And, yes, I tried all sorts of waterproofing stuff...nothing works).
I got it off someone on ebay Stan. In my experience Goretex only works when it feels like it. Sounds like yours is way past it's sell by date.

Agree entirely about Goretex working when it wants to....even when new. It's all about sweat, condensation and relative humidity and stuff - way above my head. Also agreed, it's well past it best.

I prefer 'Paramo' stuff mostly ...although have recently bought a 'Rab' top with the 'E-ven't lining, which is supposed to be good....haven't yet decided if it's better than Goretex yet.

Thanks...and stay upright on the bike.