More Method Shaving lunacy

With a straight razor there's an action referred to as a scythe cut i.e. where the heel of the blade travels less than the toe - which gives a much cleaner cut. I assume that J hooking with a DE achieves the same result.

Incidentally, even though i never knew that the term existed I naturally use this jhook when shaving with a DE ATG under the chin - so to say that someone invented it is like saying someone invented taking a cr*p to get rid of excess waste.

What's doin heinymeister,

Nothing I like more than a good slice of French bread with some sweet butter. Actually, there's a bunch of other different breads that are great. To me, in general, a somewhat crispy crust really can add to the overall experience.

Having said that, I do have a soft spot for generic sliced white bread, Yeah, it's what I grew up on (Wonder Bread), and I still like how it toasts. Plus, it makes a good bologna sammich with no sharp corners.....heh. Pretty soft texture I know.....very insipid taste...I know that too. I will still buy it on occasion though.


Oh yeah, the slogan (true) for Wonder Bread was ' Helps build strong bodies twelve different ways'. Hah, good one eh?
Re: RE: More Method Shaving lunacy

agree. It is common in the software world though. See Apple vs. Samsung.
hehe, do a search for "turbo entabulator" on youtube or similar, you might find out where he should have learnt his presentation skills from!

stevec said:
hehe, do a search for "turbo entabulator" on youtube or similar, you might find out where he should have learnt his presentation skills from!


At least Bud Haggart didn't keep ..... um going ....... um........ er......... in his um........ Turbo encabulator presentation!

Have been guffawing along to some more videos tonight.

Second best video comment

Best video comment (made even better, I think, by the poor english)

Thief, swindler, Stop your stupid video. Sell useless products, Pay for expensive and useless products.