More Method Shaving lunacy

See that's another bit of shaving mumbo jumbo. What does J-hooking do that simply dragging a blade across your face does not? I know I know, I'm starting to sound a bit like Vinnie here... :icon_rolleyes:
I haven't watched the clip. I'm not going to learn anything useful; I'll enjoy the comments from you lot. I haven't bothered with j-hooking (well, once - got a nasty cut) and even my cheapest boar brushes have lasted more than four months. My £10 Men U is still fine even though I used it for over a year. My silvertip badger likewise after 9 months.
What now?
That bloke is talking a lot, but not actually saying anything.

Although I quite like the idea of having a criss cross pattern in my beard. How do I do that? Drag the safety bar across my face without the blade touching the skin? With some magic soap between the blade and skin?

There's 5 quadrants. Love it.
Am I right? This guy makes up silly names for pointless operations and calls it 'method shaving'?
In that case, what you need to do is fart on your brush before lathering. No I don't mean lathering, we call it thrumbering. Now its important that when you thrumber you must ensure the knot fairies have aligned the puger. Now the puger is what we call the base of the brush. Its important that the puger is not over balanced or you could end up .... I give up.
1. Frangilate the pumpf-swab.
2. Smucktake the pim-go
3. Aviarise the giggle-sock
4. Complete shaving form known as the "tears of a confused bat"
5. Next perform the "tortoise of shame" form
6. Finish with the "reverse angry puffin"
7. Hydramatate face with soluble water-based water
8. Clean everything within a 10 foot radius of the sink

Job jobbed!

Oh, 9. Make video of above
Pig Cat said:
They go back a few years, IIRC. I know Roberts credits mantic with popularising the "J-hook" which Roberts claims to have invented.

See that's another bit of shaving mumbo jumbo. What does J-hooking do that simply dragging a blade across your face does not? [/quote]

Here kitty kitty,

I won't comment on Charles or his schtick right now, but I gotta say j hooking is a handy part of my everyday shave. It's used on my neck every shave, and sometimes on my face if I feel like it. That circular cutting motion really cleans things up nicely for me, especially on a few tough neck areas. It hits the weirdly growing grain in ways my other passes don't quite cover.

Dat's an option. Yeah, dat's an option!


Here kitty kitty,

I won't comment on Charles or his schtick right now, but I gotta say j hooking is a handy part of my everyday shave. It's used on my neck every shave, and sometimes on my face if I feel like it. That circular cutting motion really cleans things up nicely for me, especially on a few tough neck areas. It hits the weirdly growing grain in ways my other passes don't quite cover.

Dat's an option. Yeah, dat's an option!



Dat is indeed an option. OK perhaps I should give it a try sometime. I think we should get Chip Spalding to give us his opinion on Method Shaving. He is a Shavesmith after all...

Uh oh, I just watched his vid and he owns a tub of Hydrolast. I'd never really paid attention to that before. Shame on you Chip!

Turns out there is a real-life guy called Chip Spalding:


A US motorcycle racer, no less!